[작가] Rose Consort of Viols


  연주 : Rose Consort of Viols
관심작가 알림신청
로즈 콘소트 오브 비올스
The Rose Consort of Viols takes its name from the celebrated family of viol makers, whose work spanned the growth and flowering of the English consort repertoire. With its unique blend of intimacy, intricacy, passion and flamboyance, this music ranges from Taverner and Byrd, to Lawes, Locke and Purcell, forming the basis of the Rose Consort’s programmes, which may also include singers, lutes and keyboard instruments. The Rose Consort has received awards for its research and performance of newly devised programmes, some of which have been toured on the Early Music Network, and has also commissioned and performed new pieces for voices and viols by Malcolm Bruno, Elizabeth Liddle and Ivan Moody.

Rose Consort of Viols의 대표 상품