[작가] 류이치 아시자와


  저 : 류이치 아시자와
관심작가 알림신청
1971 Born in Yokohama
1994 Graduated from Waseda University
1994 ~ 2000 Worked at Tadao Ando Architect & Associates
2000 Cofounded URBAN FOREST Architects
2001 ~ Established Ryuichi Ashizawa Architects & Associates
2006 ~ 2012 Lecturer at Osaka City University
2007 ~ 2012 Lecturer at Kindai University
2009 ~ 2012 Lecturer at Kobe University
2010 ~ 2012 Lecturer at Kyoto City University of Arts
2011 ~ 2012 Lecturer at Kyoto University of Art and Design
Lecturer at Kobe Design University
Lecturer at University of Shiga Prefecture
2013 ~ 2014 Associate Professor at University of Shiga Prefecture
2015 ~ Professor at University of Shiga Prefecture

류이치 아시자와의 대표 상품