[작가] Zeki Hamawand


  저 : Zeki Hamawand
관심작가 알림신청
이라크 키르쿠크(Kirkuk) 대학교의 영어과 정교수 겸 술라이마니(Sulaimani) 대학교의 조교수
주요 저서: Atemporal Complement Clauses in English: A Cognitive Grammar Analysis(2002). Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation: A Cognitive Corpus-Analysis(2007), Morpho-Lexical Alternation in Noun Formation(2008), The Semantics of English Negative Prefixes(2009), Morphology in English: Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar(2011), Semantics: A Cognitive Account of Linguistic Meaning(2016)

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