[작가] 박병일


  저 : 박병일
관심작가 알림신청
한양대학교 영문과 졸업
영국 University of Leeds, MBA
영국 University of Bradford 대학원 국제경영학 박사
(현) 한국외국어대학교 경영학부 교수
(현) 국제학술지 International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy의 Editor in Chief
(현) 한국국제경영학회 및 한국국제경영관리학회 상임이사
(전) 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 부학장
(전) 국제경영연구 편집위원장

박병일 교수는 International Marketing Review, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Multinational Business Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, European Journal of International Management 등 다양한 해외저널의 특별호 Guest Editor를 맡아 학계에 봉사하였으며, 또한 Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Management International Review, Journal of International Management, International Marketing Review, International Small Business Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: an International Review 등 무수히 많은 저명저널에 학술논문을 게재한 바 있다. 현재 국제학술지인 International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy의 Editor in Chief를 맡고 있으며, 박병일 교수의 주요 논문은 아래와 같다.

[주요 논문]
?‘2R-based view’ on the internationalization of emerging economy service MNEs: Evidence from China, accepted by Management International Review, forthcoming.
?Post-entry performance of international new ventures: The mediating role of learning orientation, International Small Business Journal 36(7), 2018.
?Corporate social responsibility in international joint ventures, International Business Review 27(6), 2018.
?Bring institutions into FDI spillover research: Exploring the impact of ownership restructuring and institutional development in emerging economies, International Business Review 27(1), 2018.
?The impact of country-of-origin on context effects in choice, International Marketing Review 34(6), 2017.
?Institutional legitimacy and norms-based CSR marketing practices: Insights from MNCs operating in a developing economy, International Marketing Review 32(5), 2015.
?Culture clashes in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: A case study between Sweden's Volvo and South Korea's Samsung, International Business Review 24, 2015.
?Determinants influencing CSR practices in small and medium sized MNE subsidiaries: A stakeholder perspective, Journal of World Business 50, 2015.
?Corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders influence on MNEs' activities, International Business Review 23, 2014.
?Innovative knowledge transfer patterns of group-affiliated companies: The effects on foreign subsidiary performance, Journal of International Management 20(2), 2014.
?Control mechanisms of MNEs and absorption of foreign technology in cross-border acquisitions, International Business Review 23, 2014.
?The impacts of turbulent event on technology acquisition: Comparison of cross-border acquisitions formed before and after the crisis, Management International Review 52(2), 2012.
?What changes the rules of the game in wholly owned subsidiaries? Determinants of knowledge acquisition from parent firms, International Business Review 21, 2012.
?Does ownership structure matter for firm technological innovation performance? The case of Korean firms, Corporate Governance: An International Review 20(3), 2012.
?Key factors affecting acquisition of technological capabilities from foreign acquiring firms in small and medium sized local firms, Journal of World Business 46, 2011.
?Knowledge transfer capacity of multinational enterprises and technology acquisition in international joint ventures, International Business Review 20, 2011.
?What matters to managerial knowledge acquisition in international joint ventures? High versus low knowledge acquirers, Asia Pacific Journal of Management 27(1), 2010.

박병일의 대표 상품