[작가] 아노라 스펜스


  그림 : 아노라 스펜스
관심작가 알림신청
Annora Spence
1963년에 태어난 아노라 스펜스는 80년대 초 리버풀 폴리테크릭에서 텍스타일 염색을 전공하였고, 이후 버밍햄 폴 리테크닉에서 같은 과정의 석사학위를 받았다. 1987년부터 프리랜서 작가이자 디자이너로 활동했으며, 전업작가로서의 작업에 전념한 1990년 이후 세계적인 명성을 얻었다. 1994년에는 본격적으로 판화작업 시작, 영국 내의 유명 판화 공방과의 작업으로 작품의 완성도를 높임으로써 그녀의 작품들은 기록적인 인기를 모았다. 말레이지아의 연극학교에서 무대디자인을 강의한 바 있으며, 극동지방 과 인도를 정기적으로 여행하며 다음 작품의 아이디어를 얻고 있다.

Born in 1963 Annora Spence studied in printed textiles at Liverpool Polytechnic, during the early 1980's and continued her further education by completing an MA in the same subject at Birmingham Polytechnic.
Having completed her studies Annora worked as a freelance artist and designer. Since 1990 she has concentrated on her career as a painter and has enjoyed sell-out shows in London and abroad. She has been making silkscreen prints with CCA Galleries since 1994, with each new edition selling out in record time. Annora has recently started creating etchings and bronze sculptures Annora derives many of the ideas for her work from her travels throughout Europe, India and Asia and draws inspiration from the characters, situations and colours she encounters. Her palette ranges from rich to pale and subtle, building up layers of tone and texture. Humour has always been a significant ingredient in her work and she tries to bring this out in the way she manipulates figurative images and characters, developing a storyline around them as she goes along. In the more recent paintings, interiors have become a prominent source of inspiration. Scale too is an important tool for her, by turning it on its head; the humour of the image can be enhanced.