[작가] 미카엘 H. 야콥센


  저 : 미카엘 H. 야콥센
관심작가 알림신청
Michael Hviid Jacobsen
덴마크 올보르 대학교(Aalborg University) 교수이다. 저서로 The Transformation of Modernity(Ashgate, 2001), Erving Goffman(Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2002), The Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman(Ashgate 2008), Public Sociology(Aalborg University Press, 2009), Encountering the Everyday(Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009), The Contemporary Goffman(Routledge, 2010), Utopia: Social Theory and the Future(Ashgate, 2013), Imaginative Methodologies in the Social Sciences(Ashgate, 2013), Deconstructing Death(University Press of Southern Denmark, 2013), The Poetics of Crime(Ashgate, 2014)이 있다.

미카엘 H. 야콥센의 대표 상품