저자 소개(1명)


저 : 박주호 만든이 코멘트 보이기/감추기

  저 : 박주호
관심작가 알림신청
현재 한양대학교 교육학과 교수
미국 조지아대학교 석사 및 박사
연세대학교 교육학과 및 행정학과 학사
교육부 지식정보정책과장, 학술진흥과장, 대학지원과장
제35회 행정고시 합격

저서 및 주요 학술논문
교육복지의 논의: 쟁점, 과제 및 전망(2014). 박영스토리(2015년 세종도서 학술부문 선정).
Park, J. H., & Byun, S. (2021). Principal support, professional learning community, and group-level teacher expectations. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 32(1), 1-23.
Park, J-H., Cooc, N., Lee, K. H. (2020 Online First). Relationships between teacher influence in managerial and instruction related decision-making, job satisfaction, and professional commitment: A multivariate multilevel model. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
Kim, D. H., Lee, I. H., & Park, J. H.* (2019). Examining non-formal learners’ self -directed learning patterns in open educational resource repositories: A latent class approach. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(6), 3420-3436. (*Corresponding author)
Park, J. H., Lee, I. H., & Cooc, N. (2019). The role of school-level mechanisms: How principal support, professional learning communities, collective responsibility, and group- level teacher expectations affect student achievement. Educational Administration Quarterly, 55(5), 742-780.
Park, J. H., & Lee, J. L. (2015). School-level determinants of teacher collegial interaction: evidence from lower secondary schools in England, Finland, South Korea, and the USA. Teaching and Teacher Education, 50, 24-35.