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저 : 서우경 만든이 코멘트 보이기/감추기

  저 : 서우경
관심작가 알림신청
연세대학교 신학과를 졸업하고 미국 샌프란시스코 신학대학원(SFTS)에서 목회학 박사학위(D. Min.)를 받았다. 숙명여자대학교대학원에서 아동 심리치료 전공으로 박사학위(Ph. D.)를 받았으며, 연세대학교 코칭아카데미 책임교수를 7년간 역임하고 현재는 연세대학교 학부 대학에서 리더십 연계전공 겸임교수를 맡아리더십 코칭 관련 과목들을 2007년부터 현재까지 강의하고 있으며,한국상담코칭진흥원 원장으로도 재직 중이다. 국내 여성 최초로 ICF(International Coaching Federation) 국제코칭연맹 마스터코치(MCC) 자격증을 획득했으며, ICF Korea Chapter 회장을 역임했다. 국제공인 NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming) 트레이너(Trainer)로 활동 중이고, 2020 한국HRD협회 명강사 대상, 2016 대한민국 인물 대상 및 미래 창조 신지식인으로 선정되었다. KBS TV 「여유만만, 은퇴 부부를 위한 라이프가이드」, SBS TV 「생방송 좋은 아침」, CTS TV 「서우경의 행복 코칭」, 「4인 4색, 바이블 코칭」, 「내가 매일 기쁘게」, 극동방송 「사랑의 뜰 안-서우경 소장과 함께하는 크리스천 코칭」에 출연했으며, 최근에는 CBS TV 「새롭게 하소서」에서 신앙과 삶을 나누었다. 대표 저서로는 『크리스천을 위한 행복 코칭』, 『예정』, 『무엇이 CEO를 만드는가』, 『NLP 전인코칭』 외 다수가 있다.

After graduating from Yonsei University as a major of Theology, Suh Wookyung
received a Doctor of Ministry(D. Min.) degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary(SFTS).
She received her Ph.D. in Child Psychotherapy from Sookmyung Women’s University Graduate School, and served as a head professor at Yonsei University the Coaching Academy for 7 years.
She has been teaching leadership coaching-related subjects from 2007 to the present as an adjunct professor at the undergraduate college at Yonsei University
and She is a Director of the Korea Association for Advanced Counseling & Coaching.
She became the first woman in South Korea to acquire the ICF (International Coaching Federation) Master Coach Certificate(MCC). Furthermore, she was appointed as President of ICF’s Korea Chapter. At present, she is a trainer of internationally recognized NLP(Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
She won the 2014 Master Lecturer Grand Prize of Korea HRD Association, as well as the 2016 Korea’s Great People Grand Prize and the New Future Creation Intellectuals Award.
She has been invited as a coach to KBS TV 「YeoYouManMan, Life Guide for
Retired Couples」, SBS TV 「Good Morning Live」, CTS TV 「Suh,Woo-Kyung's
Happiness Coaching』」 「4 People 4 Colors, Bible Coaching」, 「How to behappy every day」, FEBC TV 「The Garden of Love - Christian Coaching with Suh,Woo-Kyung Director」. Recently, we shared her faith and life appearing on CBS TV 「Renew me, O Lord」.
Her representative books, among many others, include 『Happiness Coaching』,
『Predestination』, 『What Makes a CEO?』, 『NLP Whole Person Coaching』.

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