
100 Greatest Film Themes Take 3 (Deluxe Edition)

100 Greatest Film Themes Take 3 (Deluxe Edition)

[ 6CD ]
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32,900 (19% 할인)


발매일 2013년 04월 10일
시간/무게/크기 크기확인중
제조국 영국

음반소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

디스크 디스크 보이기/감추기

CD 1
  • 01 Dance of the Cuckoos (From "Laurel and Hardy")

  • 02 Smile (From "Modern Times")

  • 03 Heigh Ho (From "Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs")

  • 04 The Sorcerer's Apprentice (From "Fantasia")

  • 05 Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (From "Song of the South")

  • 06 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (From "Mary Poppins")

  • 07 Goldfinger (From "Goldfinger")

  • 08 A Man Alone (From "The Ipcress File")

  • 09 Alfie (From "Alfie")

  • 10 The Bare Necessities (From "The Jungle Book")

  • 11 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (From "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang")

  • 12 Don't Rain on My Parade (From "Funny Girl")

  • 13 True Grit (From "True Grit")

  • 14 Getta Bloomin' Move On (From "The Italian Job")

  • 15 Pure Imagination (From "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory")

  • 16 Enter the Dragon Main Theme (From "Enter the Dragon")

  • 17 Cantina Band (From "Star Wars: A New Hope")

CD 2
  • 01 Summer Nights (From "Grease")

  • 02 The Chase (From "Midnight Express")

  • 03 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (From "Monty Python's Life of Brian")

  • 04 Main Titles (From "Alien")

  • 05 Ride of the Valkyries (From "Apocalypse Now")

  • 06 Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana (From "Raging Bull")

  • 07 Everybody Needs Somebody to Love (From "The Blues Brothers")

  • 08 Eye of the Tiger (From "Rocky III")

  • 09 Paris Texas (From "Paris, Texas")

  • 10 The Whammer Strikes out (From "The Natural")

  • 11 Main Theme (From "Police Academy")

  • 12 Breakfast Machine (From "Pee Wee's Big Adventure")

  • 13 Danger Zone (From "Top Gun")

  • 14 Eddie's Theme (From "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?")

  • 15 Under the Sea (From "The Little Mermaid")

  • 16 A Whole New World (From "Aladdin")

CD 3
  • 01 Claudia's Theme (From "Unforgiven")

  • 02 Dragon's Heartbeat (From "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story")

  • 03 End Titles (From "The Age of Innocence")

  • 04 Christmas Eve Montage (From "The Nightmare Before Christmas")

  • 05 Giza 1928 / Going Home (From "Stargate")

  • 06 For the Love of a Princess (From "Braveheart")

  • 07 You've Got a Friend in Me (From "Toy Story")

  • 08 Suite (From "Independence Day")

  • 09 Main Title (From "Air Force One")

  • 10 The Stripper (From "The Full Monty")

  • 11 The Sand Volcano / Love Theme (From "The Mummy")

  • 12 Injection (From "Mission: Impossible II")

  • 13 Main Theme (From "Chocolat")

  • 14 A Kaleidoscope of Mathematics (From "A Beautiful Mind")

  • 15 Leave No Man Behind (From "Black Hawk Down")

  • 16 Heart of the Volunteer (From "Pearl Harbor")

  • 17 Homeland (From "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron")

CD 4
  • 01 Whistle Theme (Twisted Nerve Main Theme) [From "Kill Bill: Vol. 1"]

  • 02 Theme (From "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind")

  • 03 Woad to Ruin (From "King Arthur")

  • 04 Prologue (From "Birth")

  • 05 Zoosters Breakout (From "Madagascar")

  • 06 Barbastella (From "Batman Begins")

  • 07 The People's Princess (From "The Queen")

  • 08 Ratatouille (End Credits) [From "Ratatouille"]

  • 09 Open Spaces (From "There Will Be Blood")

  • 10 Arrival of the Birds / Exodus (From "The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos")

  • 11 Almost There (From "The Princess and the Frog")

  • 12 Discombobulate (From "Sherlock Holmes")

  • 13 160 BPM (From "Angels & Demons")

  • 14 Dumbledore's Farewell (From "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince")

  • 15 Alice's Theme (From "Alice in Wonderland")

  • 16 Perseus (From "Clash of the Titans")

  • 17 A Married Life (From "Up")

CD 5
  • 01 Time (From "Inception")

  • 02 Strobe / Flying Home (From "Kick-Ass")

  • 03 Main Theme (From "The Expendables")

  • 04 Forbidden Friendship (From "How to Train Your Dragon")

  • 05 Obliviate (From "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1")

  • 06 I Want to Go Home (From "The Karate Kid")

  • 07 Outlands (From "Tron: Legacy")

  • 08 The King's Speech (From "The King's Speech")

  • 09 Mermaids (from "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides")

  • 10 It's Our Fight (From "Transformers: Dark of the Moon")

  • 11 Thor Kills the Destroyer (From "Thor")

  • 12 The Adventures of Tintin (From "The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn")

  • 13 Magneto (From "X-Men: First Class")

  • 14 Sky Fight / End Credits (From "Immortals")

  • 15 Super 8 Suite (From "Super 8")

  • 16 Love Death Birth (From "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1")

CD 6
  • 01 The Reunion (From "War Horse")

  • 02 Lily's Theme (From "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2")

  • 03 Captain America March (From "Captain America: The First Avenger")

  • 04 I Drive (From "Drive")

  • 05 The Thief (From "Hugo")

  • 06 I Dreamed a Dream (From "Les Miserables")

  • 07 Skyfall (From "Skyfall")

  • 08 Rue's Farewell (From "The Hunger Games")

  • 09 Fate and Destiny (From "Brave")

  • 10 Ted (End Titles) [From "Ted"]

  • 11 Life (From "Prometheus")

  • 12 Freedom's Call (From "Lincoln")

  • 13 Dreaming of Bag End (From "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey")

  • 14 Snow White (From "Snow White and the Huntsman")

  • 15 The Avengers (From "Avengers Assemble")

  • 16 Young Peter (From "The Amazing Spider-Man")

  • 17 Imagine the Fire (From "The Dark Knight Rises")

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반품/교환 불가사유
  •  소비자의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 손실 또는 훼손된 경우
  •  소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 : 예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품, 전자책 단말기 등
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  •  소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우
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