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중고샵 (12)

  • Arthur Grumiaux 아르투르 그뤼미오 - 필립스 녹음 전집 (Complete Philips Recordings)
    [중고 CD] Arthur Grumiaux 아르투르 그뤼미오 - 필립스 녹음 전집 (Complete Philips Recordings)
    Johann Sebastian Bach / Georg Fridrich Handel / Ludwig van Beethoven / Antonio Vivaldi / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Johannes Brahms / Jules Massenet / Eduard van Beinum / Vittorio Negri / Rudolf Moralt / Bernhard Paumgartner / Colin Davis / Raymond Leppard / Edo de Waart / Alceo Galliera / Piero Bellugi / Bernard Haitink / Bogo Leskovic / Franco Gallini / Jan Krenz / Heinz Wallberg / Manuel Rosenthal / Jean Fournet / Arthur Grumiaux / Ediga Giordani Sartori / Riccardo Castagnone / Grumiaux Trio / Arrigo Pelliccia / Walter Klein / George Pieterson / Georges Janzer / Max Lesueur / Eva Czako / Clara Haskil / Claudio Arrau / Robert Veyron-Lacroix / Jacques Cazauran / Istvan Hajdu / Christiane Jaccottet / Arpad Gerecz / Herman Krebbers / Janos Scholz / Paul Crossley / Ingrid Haebler / Philippe Mermoud / Gyorgy Sebok / Francis Orval / Dinorah Varsi / Concertgebouw Orchestra / Staatskapelle Dresden / Wiener Symphoniker / Guller Chamber Orchestra / English Chamber Orchestra / New Philharmonia Orchestra / Les Solistes Romands / Orchestre National de l'Opera de Monte Carlo Universal
    최저 950,000
    새상품 204,500
    Arthur Grumiaux 아르투르 그뤼미오 - 필립스 녹음 전집 (Complete Philips Recordings) 이동
  • 레너드 로즈 - 첼로 소나타 & 협주곡 녹음 전집 (Leonard Rose - The Complete Concerto and Sonata Recordings)
    [중고 CD] 레너드 로즈 - 첼로 소나타 & 협주곡 녹음 전집 (Leonard Rose - The Complete Concerto and Sonata Recordings)
    Heitor Villa-Lobos / Ernest Bloch / Camille Saint-Saens / Ludwig van Beethoven / Cesar Franck / Edvard Grieg / Franz Schubert / Luigi Boccherini / Giuseppe Sammartini / Johannes Brahms / Robert Schumann / Samuel Barber / Antonin Dvorak / Piotr I. Tchaikovsky / Frederic Chopin / Edouard Lalo / Gabriel Faure / Johann Sebastian Bach / Bidu Sayao / Christopher Lynch / Dimitri Mitropoulos / Bruno Walter / Leonard Bernstein / Eugene Ormandy / George Szell / Leonard Rose / Mieczyslaw Horszowski / Leonid Hambro / Isaac Stern / John Corigliano / Walter Hendl / John Browning / Eugene Istomin / Samuel Sanders / Glenn Gould / Laura Newell / John Wummer / New York Philharmonic / Philadelphia Orchestra / Cleveland Orchestra Sony Classical
    최저 130,000
    새상품 52,500
    레너드 로즈 - 첼로 소나타 & 협주곡 녹음 전집 (Leonard Rose - The Complete Concerto and Sonata Recordings) 이동
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