
사이즈 비교
Basic Marketing Research 9/E (AE)

Basic Marketing Research 9/E (AE)

: Customer Insights and Managerial Action

[ 9th Edition, Asia Edition ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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구매 시 참고사항


발행일 2020년 01월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 348쪽 | 218*278*30mm
ISBN13 9789814878043
ISBN10 9814878049

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

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저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

Author : Tom J. Brown
Tom J. Brown is Noble Foundation Chair in Marketing Strategy and Professor of Marketing in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. In addition, he serves as Director of the Center for Customer Interface Excellence in the Spears School. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Brown teaches marketing research and has supervised hundreds of student research projects for industry clients ranging from not-for-profit service organizations to Fortune 500 companies. Dr. Brown is a past recipient of the Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. In addition, he received a Richard D. Irwin Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship while at the University of Wisconsin, the Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Teaching Award, and the Regents Distinguished Research Award, both at Oklahoma State University. In addition, he was recognized as an International Research Fellow at the University of Oxford for his work on corporate reputation. Dr. Brown's articles have appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Service Research. His current research interests include organizational frontline research (e.g., customer orientation of frontline employees; customer influences on frontline employees) and causes and effects of corporate associations (e.g., reputation, identity). He is cofounder of the Corporate Associations/Identity Research Group as well as the Organizational Frontlines Research Symposia series. He is active in the American Marketing Association, having co-chaired multiple national conferences, co-hosted the AMA/Sheth Doctoral Consortium, and served as president of the Academic Council. In addition, he serves in a leadership role at Sunnybrook Christian Church.
Author : Tracy A. Suter
Tracy A. Suter received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas. Prior to joining the management and marketing faculty at The University of Tulsa, he served as a faculty member in the Department of Marketing and School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University and as a marketing faculty at the University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Suter teaches a wide range of courses with emphasis on marketing research and applied creativity. Each semester undergraduate marketing research students complete real-world research projects for area for-profit and not-for-profit firms under his guidance. These service-learning projects now number in the hundreds completed. Dr. Suter’s research interests include public policy, the use of new, innovative technologies in marketing and entrepreneurship, and consumer-to-consumer communities. He has published in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and Journal of Retailing among many others. He also served on two editorial review boards of academic journals and is a frequent reviewer for other journals and conferences. Dr. Suter is currently the first holder of the David and Leslie Lawson Chair at Tulsa and is the former Daniel White Jordan Chair at Oklahoma State. He has received numerous awards for both research and teaching activities including the University of Arkansas Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Sherwin-Williams Distinguished Teaching Competition Award given by the Society for Marketing Advances, and the Kenneth D. and Leitner Greiner Outstanding Teaching, Regents Distinguished Teaching, and President’s Outstanding Faculty Awards all at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Suter is frequently asked to speak to doctoral students and other academic groups about teaching excellence.
Author : Gilbert A. Churchill
A recognized leader in the field of marketing research, Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr., joined the University of Wisconsin faculty after receiving his D.B.A. from Indiana University in 1966. Dr. Churchill was named Distinguished Marketing Educator by the American Marketing Association in 1986, the second individual so honored. This lifetime achievement award recognizes and honors a living marketing educator for distinguished service and outstanding contributions in the field of marketing education. Dr. Churchill was also awarded the Academy of Marketing Science's lifetime achievement award in 1993 for his significant scholarly contributions. In 1996, he received a Paul D. Converse Award, which is given to the most influential marketing scholars, as judged by a national jury drawn from universities, businesses, and government. Also in 1996, the Marketing Research Group of the American Marketing Association established the Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award, which is awarded each year to an individual who has made significant contributions to marketing research. Dr. Churchill is a past recipient of the yearly William O'Dell Award for an outstanding article in the Journal of Marketing Research. He has also been a finalist for the award five additional times. He is a co-author of the most and third-most influential articles of the past century in sales management, as judged by a panel of experts in the field. His articles have appeared in such publications as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Decision Sciences, Technometrics, and Organizational Behavior and Human Performance.

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