
Ton Koopman 바흐: 마태 수난곡 (Bach: Matthaus Passion)
Ton Koopman 바흐: 마태 수난곡 (Bach: Matthaus Passion)

Ton Koopman 바흐: 마태 수난곡 (Bach: Matthaus Passion)

[ 2CD ]
첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요 | 판매지수 24
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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발매일 2022년 12월 19일
시간/무게/크기 크기확인중
제조국 EU

음반소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

상품 이미지를 확대해서 볼 수 있습니다. 원본 이미지

디스크 디스크 보이기/감추기

  • 01 1. Chori: Come, daughters, help me lament

  • 02 2. Recitativo (Evangelista Jesus): Because Jesus had finished this speech

  • 03 3rd chorale: Dearest Jesus, what have you done wrong

  • 04 4a. Recitativo (Evangelista): Then the chief priests assembled

  • 05 4b. Chori: Yes, not at the festival

  • 06 4c. Recitativo (Evangelista): Now that Jesus was at Bethany

  • 07 4d. Chorus I: What is this rubbish for

  • 08 4e. Recitativo (Evangelista): As Jesus noticed

  • 09 5. Recitativo (Alto): You dear saviour

  • 10 6. Aria (Alto): Buss and Rue

  • 11 7. Recitativo (Evangelista, Judas): There went one of the twelve

  • 12 8. Aria (Soprano): Bleed, dear heart!

  • 13 9a. Recitativo (Evangelista): But on the first day of the sweet bread

  • 14 9b. Chorus I: Where do you want that we prepare for you

  • 15 9c. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus) He said: Go into the city

  • 16 9d. Recitativo (evangelista): And they became

  • 17 9e. Chorus I: Sir, am I

  • 18 10. Chorale: It's me, I should atone

  • 19 11. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): He answered and spoke

  • 20 12. Recitativo (Soprano): Although my heart swims in tears

  • 21 13. Aria (Soprano): I want to give you my heart

  • 22 14. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): And as they sing the hymn

  • 23 15. Chorale: Know me, my hats

  • 24 16. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus, Peter): But Peter answered

  • 25 17. Chorale: I want to stand here with you

  • 26 18. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): Then Jesus came with them to a court

  • 27 19. Recitativo (tenor): O pain!; Choral (Chorus II): What is the cause

  • 28 20. Aria (Tenor, Chorus II): I want to watch over my Jesu

  • 29 21. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): And went a little

  • 30 22. Recitativo (Basso): The heoland falls down before his father

  • 31 23. Aria (Basso): Gladly I want to settle down

  • 32 24. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): And he came to his disciples

  • 33 25th chorale: What my God wants, that always happens

  • 34 26. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus, Judas): And he came and found her sleeping

  • 35 27a. Aria (Soprano, Alto - Chorus II): So now my Jesus is imprisoned

  • 36 27b. Chori: Has lightning, has thunder disappeared into clouds

  • 37 28. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): And behold one of them4

  • 38 29. Chorale: O man, weep greatly for your sin

  • 39 30. Aria (Alto, Chorus II): Ah! now my Jesus is gone!

  • 40 31. Recitativo (Evangelista): But those who had seized Jesus

  • 41 32nd chorale: the world judged me deceptively

  • 42 33. Recitativo (Evangelista, Pontifex): And though many false witnesses

  • 43 34. Recitativo (tenor): My Jesus is silent

  • 44 35. Aria (Tenors): Patience!

  • 01 36a. Recitativo (Evangelista, Pontifex, Jesus): And the High Priest answered

  • 02 36b. Chori: He's guilty of death!

  • 03 36c. Recitativo (Evangelista): Then they spit in his face

  • 04 36d. Chori: Prophesy to us, Christe

  • 05 37. Chorale: Who hit you like that

  • 06 38a. Recitativo (evangelista, Ancilla I, II, Petrus): But Peter was sitting outside in the palace

  • 07 38b. Chorus II: Verily, you are also one of them

  • 08 38c. Recitativo (Evangelista, Peter): Then he began to curse himself

  • 09 39. Aria (Alto): Have mercy

  • 10 40th chorale: I immediately gave way from that

  • 11 41a. Recitativo (Evangelista, Judas): But stopped in the morning

  • 12 41b. Chori: What is that to us

  • 13 41c. Recitativo (Evangelista, Pontifex I, II): And he threw the pieces of silver

  • 14 42. Aria (Basso): Give me back my Jesus!

  • 15 43. Recitativo (Evangelista, Pilate, Jesus): But they held a council

  • 16 44. Chorale: You command your ways

  • 17 45a. Recitativo (Evangelista, Platus, Uxor Pilati, Chorus): Let's celebrate

  • 18 45b. Chori: Let him be crucified!

  • 19 46. Chorale: How wonderful is this punishment!

  • 20 47. Recitativo (Evangelista, PIlatus): The Landphleger said

  • 21 48. Recitativo (Soprano): He has done us all good

  • 22 49. Aria (soprano): For love

  • 23 50a. Recitativo (Evangelista): But they shouted even more

  • 24 50b. Chori: Let him be crucified!

  • 25 50c. Recitativo (Evangelista, Pilate): Since abre Pilate saw

  • 26 50d. Chori: His blood be upon us and upon our children

  • 27 50e. Recitativo (Evangela): Then he released Barrabam for them

  • 28 51. Recitativo (Alto): Have mercy on God!

  • 29 52. Aria (Alto): May tears my cheeks

  • 30 53a. Recitativo (Evangelista): Then the soldiers took

  • 31 53b. Chori: Hail, King of Jews!

  • 32 53c. Recitativo (Evangelista): And spat at him

  • 33 54. Chorale: O head full of blood and wounds

  • 34 55. Recitativo (Evangelista): And since they had mocked him

  • 35 56. Recitativo (Basso): Yes, of course, the flesh and blood wants in us

  • 36 57. Aria (Basso): Come sweet cross

  • 37 58a. Recitativo (Evangelista): And when they came to the place

  • 38 58b. Chori: You who break down the temple of God

  • 39 58c. Recitativo (Evangelista): Likewise also the chief priests

  • 40 58d. Chori: He helped others

  • 41 58e. Recitativo (Evangela): And when they came to the place

  • 42 59. Recitativo (Alto): Oh Golgotha!

  • 43 60. Aria (Alto, Chorus II): Behold, Jesus hath the hand

  • 44 61a. Recitativo (Evangelista, Jesus): And from the sixth hour

  • 45 61b. Chorus I: He calls to Elias!

  • 46 61c. Recitativo (Evangelista): And soon one of them ran

  • 47 61d. Chorus II: Stop! let's see, Elias come and help him

  • 48 61e. Recitativo (Evangelista): And soon one of them ran

  • 49 62nd chorale: When I should part

  • 50 63a. Recitativo (Evangelista): Lo and behold, the curtain

  • 51 63b. Chori: Optionally, this was God's son

  • 52 63c. Recitativo (Evangelista): and there were many women there

  • 53 64. Recitativo (Basso): In the evening, when it's cool

  • 54 65. Aria (Basso): Make yourself, my heart, pure

  • 55 66a. Recitativo (Evangelista): And Joseph took the body

  • 56 66b. Chori: Lord, we thought

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