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ICT Innovation and Korean Society

ICT Innovation and Korean Society

: Industry, Media, and Culture

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ISBN13 9791128896880

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Joon-Shik Park
Joon-Shik Park is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Hallym University, South Korea. He received his PhD from Yonsei University in Korea. His research focuses on employment and regional studies. Park began his academic career as a researcher on labor and employment issues in Korean society. Recently, he has been interested in comparing social economy and local regeneration in the context of global social and economic crises. His most recent books, articles, and project reports cover such issues as the impact of globalization on employment regimes and local societies; social dialogue and integration; and creative innovation for sustainable local development.

Kyung-Hee Kim
Kyung-Hee Kim is a professor in the Media School at Hallym University and the director of the Institute for Communication Arts and Technology. She received her PhD from Ewha Womans University. Her research focuses on the interplay of digital culture, news organization, and gender. She has written and edited severl books on social media, media literacy, and gender. She has also published in numerous journals including the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Media, Culture and Society, and Asian Journal of Communication.

Juhyun Hong
Juhyun Hong is an associate professor in the School of Communication at Kookmin University, South Korea. She received her PhD in Journalism from Ewha Womans University. Before teaching at Kookmin University, she was a research scholar at Peking University. Currently, her areas of research are social media communication, internet public opinion, and network analysis.

Sun Ho Jeong
Sun Ho Jeong is an assistant professor in the Department of Mass Communication at Konkuk University, South Korea. She received a PhD in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University, and a BA in journalism from Ewha Womans University. Jeong’s primary research interests include journalism in the context of digitization and globalization, and the role of digital media in fostering social change. She has published in academic journals including Information, Communication and Society, International Communication Gazette, International Journal of Communication, Journalism, and Journalism Practice.

Shin Dong Kim
Shin Dong Kim is a professor in the Media School at Hallym University, South Korea, where he served as the founding director of the Institute for Communication Arts and Technology for more than a decade. He received his PhD in Mass Communications from Indiana University. Kim has written on and taught media policy, politics and media, and globalization of media and culture. His writings appear in Asian Popular Culture (Routledge), East Asian Cinema and Cultural Heritage (Palgrave Macmillan), Mobile Communication: Social and Political Effects (Passagen Verlag), Perpetual Contact (Cambridge University Press), Handbook of the Media in Asia (Sage), and Contemporary Television (Sage).

Dominique Nduhura
Dominique Nduhura holds a PhD in Communication from Hallym University and a Master’s Degree in Culture, Communication, and Media Studies from Kwa-Zulu Natal University, South Africa, and is trained extensively in digital journalism in Africa, Sweden, and the United States. He is a lecturer at the School of Journalism and Communication, University of Rwanda, where he served as dean for four years (2007?2010). His research interests include development communication, digital technologies and society, social media and citizen journalism, and ICT policies.

Nadine Mumporeze
Nadine Mumporeze (PhD) is a feminist scholar in the social sciences and humanities with 16 years of work experience. Her research interests include gender equality, sociology of mass communication and media, sociology of attitudes, sociology of work and employment, social stratification, social change, development theories and strategies, human resources management, and teaching. Her recent publications dwell on gender issues in the African and Asian contexts, such as the gender digital divide, social media use by migrant women, sextortion, and factors influencing attitudes toward women’s employment.

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