노천명(盧天命,?1911년?9월 1일[1]?~?1957년?6월 16일)은 일제 강점기와 대한민국의 시인, 작가, 언론인이다.
본관은?풍천(豊川)이며,?황해도?장연군?출생이다. 사슴을 '목이 길어서 슬픈 짐승'에 비유한 시로 유명하며, 친일파로 평가된다.
아명은?노기선(盧基善)이나, 어릴 때 병으로 사경을 넘긴 뒤 개명하였다. 대학 졸업 후?조선중앙일보,?조선일보,?서울신문,?부녀신문?등에서 기자로 활동하면서 시인으로도 활동하였다. 해방 직후에는 모교인?이화여자대학교에서 전임교수와?서라벌예술대학에 강사로 출강했다.?1950년?6.25 전쟁?중?조선인민군에 부역하여 체포되었다가 동료 문인들의 석방 건의로 특별사면되었다.?1951년부터?공보실?중앙방송국?방송담당 직원으로도 근무했다.
Noh Cheon-myeong (1 September 1911 ? 16 June 1957) was a South Korean poet, writer, and journalist during the Japanese colonial period.
The main building is Pungcheon Stream, and he was born in Jangyeon-gun, Hwanghae-do. It is famous for comparing deer to "a sad beast with a long neck," and is considered a pro-Japanese group. Amyeong was Noh Gi-seon, but when he was young, he changed his name after passing over to Byeongyeong. After graduating from college, he worked as a reporter for the Chosun JoongAng Ilbo, the Chosun Ilbo, the Seoul Newspaper, and the Women's Newspaper, and also worked as a poet. Immediately after liberation, she attended Ewha Women's University, her alma mater, as a full-time professor and lecturer at Seorabeol University of Arts. During the Korean War in 1950, he was arrested by the Korean People's Army and was specially pardoned at the suggestion of the release of his fellow writers. Since 1951, he has also worked as a broadcasting officer for the Central Broadcasting Station of the Public Information Office.