발행일 | 2021년 02월 11일 |
이용안내 ? |
지원기기 | 크레마,PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원),아이폰,아이패드,안드로이드폰,안드로이드패드,전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가),PC(Mac) |
파일/용량 | EPUB(DRM) | 0.76MB ? |
ISBN13 | 9781472145338 |
발행일 | 2021년 02월 11일 |
이용안내 ? |
지원기기 | 크레마,PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원),아이폰,아이패드,안드로이드폰,안드로이드패드,전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가),PC(Mac) |
파일/용량 | EPUB(DRM) | 0.76MB ? |
ISBN13 | 9781472145338 |
Food journalist and podcaster Gilly Smith was an early adopter in British food podcasting, and was nominated for a Fortnum and Mason award in 2017 for the delicious. podcast. She is the producer and presenter of Cooking the Books with Gilly Smith, the delicious. podcast, Leon's How to Eat to Save the Planet, The Borough Market Podcast and The Write Songs. She produces The Food Foundation's Right2Food podcast and Philip Lymbery's The Big Table podcast for Compassion in World Farming.
Initially a radio and TV producer, she has written seventeen books, mainly about the influence of culture of food in its various forms, as well as articles for the national press and academic journals, largely about food, philosophy and ethical travel. Smith's Taste and the TV Chef (2020) won the UK Gourmand Award for Food Writing.
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