
Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL, 6/E (IE)

Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL, 6/E (IE)

: A Resource Book for K-12 Teachers

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사용 흔적 약간 있으나, 대체적으로 손상 없는 상품
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  • 중고샵 판매자가 직접 등록/판매하는 상품으로 판매자가 해당 상품과 내용에 모든 책임을 집니다.

  •  한정판매의 특성상 재고 상황에 따라 품절 가능


발행일 2013년 01월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 464쪽 | 크기확인중
ISBN13 9780132951296
ISBN10 0132951290

중고외서 소개

사용 흔적 약간 있으나, 대체적으로 손상 없는 상품
  •  판매자 :   ehsj   평점0점
  •  특이사항 : 외관은 깨끗하나, 밑줄 등 표시되어 있음

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목차 목차 보이기/감추기

관련자료 관련자료 보이기/감추기


Readers see clearly how contemporary language acquisition theory informs instruction, while getting invaluable suggestions and methods for motivating ELs’ English language literacy and content learning.

Connections with real classrooms and real students are made through illustrative chapter openings that include guiding questions and structured overviews for enhancing comprehension and promoting retention of the material.

Additional real-life illustrations that further bring the ideas alive include examples of speech and writing produced by K-12 students, and case studies and vignettes of students in classrooms.
Enhanced comprehension is accomplished through suggested activities at the end of each chapter. Included are classroom observations; teacher interviews; lesson planning; and evaluation of English learners’ oral language, reading, and writing.

Readers see how to:
Use an Informal Reading Inventory with English Language Learners.
Apply the 2007 TESOL English language proficiency standards to inform content-based, differentiated instruction for ELLs.
Understand differentiated instruction. Included are content-based lesson examples for oral language, vocabulary, emergent literacy, writing, reading/literature, and content area reading/writing.
Use graded books and electronic books. Included is detailed discussion of sustained silent reading and individualized reading.
Use guidelines and resources for selecting literature for students to read.
Work effectively with the errors beginning and intermediate writers make.

New To This Edition

New material includes an in-depth discussion of academic language; an exploration of the demands of Internet reading compared to traditional text reading; and a presentation of Response to Intervention (RtI) as applied to ELs.

Comprehension and retention of the material is enhanced through Visual/Spatial Structured Overviews at the beginning of each chapter. Readers are guided in previewing and reviewing the chapter material for improved retention.

Readers learn from the experts! Throughout the book, Expert Webcasts let readers actually see and hear what experts have to say about their areas of expertise.

Readers learn from real teachers and students! Throughout the book, Classroom Webcasts illustrate concepts and lessons and show how the lessons are implemented.

Help for preparing to teach ELs in today’s 21st Century classrooms is provided in discussions and examples of technology integrated throughout the book that include such activities as Scavenger Hunts, WebQuests, Projects, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Vodcasts, with links and samples lessons.

Concepts and lessons are illustrated through over 100 links to the Internet integrated throughout the book, providing immediate access to sites that help reinforce the material presented in the book.

Meeting the needs of all students?and learning to work successfully with students who are having difficulty reading and learning?is made easier through the discussions and examples of RTI (Response to Intervention) and discussions of differentiated instruction.

Students become familiar with the kind of language used in content texts in the thorough discussions of Academic Language, a key to EL’s future success in schools. (See Chs. 2, 9, and 10 in particular.)

Readers learn how Internet reading is both similar to and different from traditional print reading and how to help students read effectively on the Internet and see its implications for ELs. (Ch. 8)

Students get a more complete view of issues such as developmental sequences in English, primary language in second language acquisition, and academic language acquisition in the completely updated and revised Chapter 2 on Language and Language Acquisition.

Developing original lessons for ELs is made easier through an Internet resource box that offers a link to over 70 teaching strategies especially pitched to EL students. The strategies it includes contain videos of specific teaching strategies, plus written information on such topics as Cooperative Learning, DRTA, SDAIE, Revising, Phonics, CALLA, Graphic Organizers, and more. (Ch. 3)

Knowledge about using specific teaching strategies for vocabulary development is expanded in the new discussion on research on vocabulary for English learners and new strategies such as List-Group-Label, Total Physical Response, and Idiomatic expressions. (Ch. 6)


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  •  상품정보 부정확(카테고리 오등록/상품오등록/상품정보 오등록/기타 허위등록) 부적합 상품(청소년 유해물품/기타 법규위반 상품)
  •  전자상거래에 어긋나는 판매사례: 직거래 유도

배송/반품/교환 안내

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배송 구분 판매자 배송
  •  택배사 : 스카이로지스틱스 (상황에 따라 배송 업체는 변경 될 수 있습니다.)
  •  배송비 : 3,300원 (도서산간 : 3,100원 제주지역 : 3,100원 추가 배송비 발생)
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반품/교환 안내

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반품/교환 방법
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반품/교환 가능기간
  •  출고 완료 후 10일 이내의 주문 상품
  •  디지털 콘텐츠인 eBook의 경우 구매 후 7일 이내의 상품
  •  중고상품의 경우 출고 완료일로부터 6일 이내의 상품 (구매확정 전 상태)
반품/교환 비용
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반품/교환 불가사유
  •  소비자의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 손실 또는 훼손된 경우
  •  소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 : 예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품, 전자책 단말기 등
  •  복제가 가능한 상품 등의 포장을 훼손한 경우 : 예) CD/LP, DVD/Blu-ray, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
  •  소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우
  •  디지털 컨텐츠인 eBook, 오디오북 등을 1회 이상 다운로드를 받았을 경우
  •  eBook 대여 상품은 대여 기간이 종료 되거나, 2회 이상 대여 했을 경우 취소 불가
  •  중고상품이 구매확정(자동 구매확정은 출고완료일로부터 7일)된 경우
  •  LP상품의 재생 불량 원인이 기기의 사양 및 문제인 경우 (All-in-One 일체형 일부 보급형 오디오 모델 사용 등)
  •  시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
  •  전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률이 정하는 소비자 청약철회 제한 내용에 해당되는 경우
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