
The Secret (Paperback)

The Secret (Paperback)

바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
최상 새 상품에 가까운 상품
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발행일 2007년 02월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 216쪽 | 158*186*20mm
ISBN13 9781582701738
ISBN10 1582701733

중고외서 소개

최상 새 상품에 가까운 상품

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 론다 번 Rhonda Byrne
호주의 전직 TV 프로듀서. 위대한 성공의 비밀을 전 세계 사람들과 공유하겠다는 마음을 먹고 미국으로 건너갔다. 뛰어난 저술가, 과학자, 철학자들과의 공동작업으로 ‘시크릿’ DVD와 책이 제작되었고, 이는 미국에서 ‘시크릿 신드롬’으로 이어졌다. 오프라 윈프리 쇼와 래리 킹 라이브 등 미국 최고의 프로에서 집중적으로 조명을 받은 이 책은, 아마존에서 자기계발서가 세운 모든 기록들을 하나씩 갈아치우고 있다. 론다 번의 꿈과 비전이 성공을 꿈꾸는 모든 이들의 열망과 만난 것이다.

One spring day towards the end of 2004, Rhonda Byrne discovered a secret - the secret laws and principles of the universe. Almost immediately her life was transformed, as she began to put into practice what she had learned. It seemed to Rhonda that almost no-one knew the things that she had discovered, even though the concepts could be found in almost every religion and field of human endeavor throughout history. And in that moment her greatest wish, and mission, was to share this knowledge with the world.

Rhonda began to see that her entire life - everything she had ever done - had been quietly and steadily moving her towards the most perfect place for her to be able to fulfill her wish. And to fulfill it on the grandest possible scale! She had gone from working as a producer at the Nine Network in Melbourne, Australia, to starting her own television production company, Prime Time Productions, in 1994. And after ten years of creating internationally successful shows, Rhonda was ready to take Prime Time Productions in a direction that fulfilled people rather than just entertained them.

On that spring day in 2004, when a small, old book called The Science of Getting Rich was put into her hands, and Rhonda's whole life suddenly pulled into spectacular focus, she knew exactly what her mission was to become. She was going to take this knowledge to the world. She was going to make a movie to carry joy to every corner of the Earth. And so the great journey that was The Secret began.

In early 2005, when The Secret was simply a name and a (momentous) vision, Prime Time Productions was made up of Rhonda, Producer Paul Harrington, and Director Drew Heriot. For eight weeks Rhonda intensively taught everything she had learned about The Secret to Paul and Drew.

One of Rhonda's initial intentions for the creation of the show was that Prime Time Productions would use The Secret to make The Secret... that it would be an effortless, joyful journey as they attracted everything and everyone that was needed to fulfill the vision. And right when the company was ready to begin production, as if by magic, the perfect people to make The Secret began to appear.

The day Rhonda arrived in the United States, she had not one interview set up but she had the firm intention that the teachers for the film would appear. And in a matter of seven weeks, the team arrived and filmed a total of fifty-two 'teachers' of The Secret. Wherever the team went, more and more amazing teachers would emerge--great writers, leaders, philosophers, doctors, and scientists. These teachers created the foundation for The Secret.

Today The Secret is the Prime Time benchmark, and the company's firm intention is to produce work that inspires, uplifts, and, most importantly, continues bringing joy to billions.


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반품/교환 불가사유
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