
사이즈 비교
Beginning ASP.Net 2.0
Beginning ASP.Net 2.0
Beginning ASP.Net 2.0
Beginning ASP.Net 2.0

Beginning ASP.Net 2.0

[ Paperback ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동 Programmer to Programmer이동
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할인이벤트 도서

서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
  • 배송비 : 무료 ?
  •  국내배송만 가능
  •  문화비소득공제 신청가능


발행일 2005년 09월 15일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 759쪽 | 1150g | 187*234*42mm
ISBN13 9780764588501
ISBN10 0764588508

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저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : Chris Hart
Chris Hart works full-time as a developer at Trinity Expert Systems Plc, based in Coventry (UK), where she’s worked on several major .NET, SharePoint, and CMS applications. She enjoys having a job where she gets to learn and play with new technologies on a regular basis, often working on-site with customers.

She’s been using .NET since the pre-Alpha days, and yet still enjoys the fun of working with beta software. Chris lives in Birmingham (UK, not Alabama) with her extremely understanding husband James, as she tries to fit writing alongside her hectic job and her attempts at gardening. She collects computers in much the same way as some old ladies collect cats.
Chris Hart contributed Chapters 3?5 and 11 and Appendix C to this book.
저자 : John Kauffman
John Kauffman was born in Philadelphia, the son of a chemist and a nurse. He received his degrees from The Pennsylvania State University, the colleges of Science and Agriculture. His early research was for Hershey foods in the genetics of the chocolate tree and the molecular biology of chocolate production.

Since 1993, John has focused on explaining technology in the classroom and in books.
In his spare time, John is an avid sailor and youth sailing coach. He also enjoys jazz music and drumming. In addition to technical material, he manages to read the New Yorker magazine from cover-to-cover each week. John Kauffman contributed Chapters 1, 2, 7, and 8 and Appendix D to this book.

저자 : Chris Ullman
Chris Ullman is a freelance web developer and technical author who has spent many years stewing in ASP/ASP.NET, like a teabag left too long in the pot. Coming from a Computer Science background, he started initially as a UNIX/Linux guru, who gravitated toward MS technologies during the summer of ASP (1997). He cut his teeth on Wrox Press ASP guides, and since then he has written on more than 20 books, most notably as lead author for Wrox’s bestselling Beginning ASP/ASP.NET 1.x series, and has contributed chapters to books on PHP, ColdFusion, JavaScript, Web Services, C#, XML, and other Internet-related technologies too esoteric to mention, now swallowed up in the quicksands of the dot.com boom.

Quitting Wrox as a full-time employee in August 2001, he branched out into VB.NET/C# programming and ASP.NET development and started his own business, CUASP Consulting Ltd, in April 2003. He maintains a variety of sites from www.cuasp.co.uk, his “work” site, to www.atomicwise.com, a selection of his writings on music and art. The birth of his twins, Jay and Luca, in February 2005 took chaos to a new level. He now divides his time between protecting the twins from their over-affectionate three-year-old brother Nye, composing electronic sounds on bits of dilapidated old keyboards for his music project, Open E, and tutoring his cats in the art of peaceful coexistence, and not violently mugging each other on the stairs. Chris Ullman contributed Chapters 10, 12, 13, and 16 and Appendix B to this book.
저자 : Dave Sussman
Dave Sussman is an independent trainer, consultant, and writer, who inhabits that strange place called beta land. It’s full of various computers, multiple boot partitions, VPC images, and very occasionally, stable software. When not writing books or testing alpha and beta software, Dave can be found working with a variety of clients helping to bring ASP.NET projects into fruition. He is a Microsoft MVP, and a member of the ASP Insiders and INETA Speakers Bureau. You can find more details about Dave and his books at his official Web site (www.ipona.com) or the site he shares with Alex Homer (http://daveandal.net). Dave Sussman contributed Chapters 6, 9, 14, and 15 and Appendix E to this book.

관련자료 관련자료 보이기/감추기

* Jacket Description/Back:

Beginning ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0 is an amazing technology that allows you to develop web sites and applications with very little hassle, and its power and depth enable it to host even the most complex applications available. This invaluable beginners' guide shows you how to program web applications in ASP.NET 2.0 and see dynamic results with minimal effort.

Using working examples and detailed explanations, this popular author team eases you into the world of ASP.NET development and gradually introduces you to all sorts of interesting ASP.NET tricks and tools. You'll quickly see how ASP.NET 2.0 is designed to ensure a significant reduction in the amount of code you have to write? and, in turn, make your life easier.

What you will learn from this book Why Visual Web Developer is an ideal environment for building feature-rich ASP.NET 2.0 applications How to secure web sites, providing login functionality and role-based access to content Useful techniques for safely updating data, using ASP.NET 2.0's built-in data handling capabilities How centralized site design can be easily achieved How to add e-commerce functionality to a site Methods for enhancing an application's performance

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone new to web programming who is looking to program dynamic, feature-rich web applications in ASP.NET 2.0. It will also be ideal for programmers looking to upgrade their ASP 3 knowledge to ASP.NET, or programmers from non-Microsoft web disciplines who need to learn ASP.NET 2.0.

Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide youthrough all the techniques involved.

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