
사이즈 비교
소득공제 수입
Thunder & Lightning: Weather Past, Present, Future

Thunder & Lightning: Weather Past, Present, Future

: Weather Past, Present, Future

[ Hardcover ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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50,220 (18% 할인)
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
  • 배송비 : 무료 ?


발행일 2015년 10월 27일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 272쪽 | 1360g | 224*295*25mm
ISBN13 9780812993172
ISBN10 0812993179

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추천평 추천평 보이기/감추기

“[An] aesthetically charged and deeply researched account . . . a wild rainstorm of a book, pelting the reader with ideas and inspiration.”--Nature

“A gorgeous and illuminating illustrated study of weather in all its tempestuous variety . . . Redniss’s combo of fact, folklore, and vibrant etched copperplate prints enthralls.”--O: The Oprah Magazine

“Eerily beautiful . . . Contains plenty of scientific explanation (including more than a few nods toward global warming), but also far-flung personal stories that illuminate the beauty, wonder and chaos inherent in the elements.”--The New York Times

“Magical . . . Redniss has . . . shown us how human beings live with nature--fighting, coexisting, taming, predicting via leech barometer and radar and intuition.”--The New York Times Book Review

“[A] twenty-first-century genius . . . Redniss is inventing a new literary genre. . . . The reader willing to put herself fully in Redniss’s hands will be rewarded with a delicious feeling of being enveloped by a phenomenon that eclipses the chiming trivialities of daily life.”--Elle

“Lends a graphic-novel-like allure to some of nature’s most curious paradoxes.”--Vogue

“Redniss is one of the most creative science writers of our time--her combination of beautiful artwork, reporting, and poetic prose brings science to life in ways that words alone simply cannot.”--Rebecca Skloot

“Redniss combines her own dual punch of expressive art and impressive erudition to give an entirely new take on all that happens above our heads. This is an illuminated book that is also an illuminating one.”--Adam Gopnik

“A strange and wonderful thing, the work of a first-class mind that refuses to submit to any categories or precedent.”--Dave Eggers

“Beautiful and totally original.”--Elizabeth Kolbert

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