
Built for Growth : Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe
Built for Growth : Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe
Built for Growth : Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe
Built for Growth : Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe
Built for Growth : Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe

Built for Growth : Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe

[ Hardcover ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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구매 시 참고사항


발행일 2005년 03월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 343쪽 | 크기확인중
ISBN13 9780131465749
ISBN10 0131465740

관련자료 관련자료 보이기/감추기

Jacket Description/Back:

"A valuable primer on all aspects of retail: brand, location, people, finance, property management, expansion strategy, and long-term thinking. Rubinfeld understands the difficulty of the small guy getting started and the big guy keeping the brand fresh. Even an experienced retailer will want to stop and reflect at his insights, which come from many years in every aspect of thebusiness." --From the Foreword by Jeff Brotman, Chairman, Costco

Built for Growth shows exactly how to create winning retail brands, how to create a unique, compelling brand even as you establish a rock-solid foundation for long-term success. Arthur Rubinfeld architected Starbucks' expansion from 100 stores to nearly 4,000, helping to establish Starbucks as one of the world' s most-recognized brands.

Now, drawing on his singular expertise with Starbucks and as a consultant to Oakley, Gateway, adidas, and Washington Mutual, he offers breakthrough strategies and techniques for all facets of retail: choosing locations, recruiting management and associates, defining organizations and systems, designing stores, merchandising, day-to-day execution, and more.

Together with Collins Hemingway, coauthor with Bill Gates of "Business @ the Speed of Thought, Rubinfeld introduces a proven, holistic approach to conceiving, designing, and executing your retail business plan: creating exciting concepts, growing them in local markets, preparing for aggressive expansion, and keeping the brand fresh and relevant as it matures. This revolutionary approach integrates strong personal values, exceptional creativity, the latest scientific methodology, and passionate customer service. Whether you' re seeking toreignite growth or planning your first store, "Built for Growth will be absolutely indispensable.

Retail brands that win, brands that last

A complete framework for retail success: conception, design, and execution

Imagination, courage, and drive

Start by believing: you can become a national or international brand

"Go long": execute on rapid growth

Retail organizations and models that scale rapidly and "put the game out of reach"

Your retail presence: capturing the essence of your brand

From locations to store design: generating real customer passion

"Main & Main": own the best locations and markets

From demographics to street traffic: all you need to know about choosing locations

Push the envelope: innovate to maintain brand leadership

How to reinvigorate product, design, service, and quality--over and over again

"Finally, a straightforward, insider' s perspective on how retail success really happens. Arthur' s incredible track record at Starbucks alone makes this a must-read for anyone thinking about starting, buying, or reinvigorating a retail business. Packed with insight, inspiration, and the practical tools to grow a business, "Built for Growth won' t disappoint." --Scott Bedbury, Author, "A New Brand World

"Only five business plans in a hundred address a real customer need. "Built for Growth shows retailers how to do more than just talk about serving customers; it is a step-by-step guide to building a business that provides an exceptional customer experience. As someone who has started several businesses, I believe that Arthur' sadvice will be invaluable to anyone starting a retail or service business." --Tom Stemberg, Founderand Chairman, Staples

"For someone who has been in the retail business for a long time, Arthur' s book explains how established retailers can innovate while staying true to their core values and their core brand. It is unusual for a professional in Arthur' s position to willingly share their expertise in such a comprehensive, succinct, and personal manner."--Marvin S. Traub, Former CEO Bloomingdale' s; Current CEO Marvin Traub Associates, Inc.

"I have known Arthur since we lived in the same apartment building as young professionals just getting started in New York City. We have enjoyed a great personal as well as professional relationship. Arthur was one of the primary architects of Starbucks' strategic retail growth and development. His passion for retail, his knowledge of branding and design, and his heart for people are the main ingredients for his success at Starbucks, where he set the gold standard for high-quality, rapid retail expansion."--Howard Schultz, Chairman and Chief Global Strategist, Starbucks Corporation

Arthur Rubinfeld achieved breakthrough results for such premier companies as Starbucks, Oakley, Gateway, adidas, and Washington Mutual. In "Built for Growth, he shares his unparalleled knowledge about envisioning, building, launching, expanding, and sustaining winning retail brands. The book delivers battle-tested advice for crafting retail plans that work, executing them systematically and aggressively, generating genuine customer loyalty, and innovating to keep your brand fresh, year after year. The lessons herein can mean the difference between success and failure. So whether you' re opening your first store or you are an "old hand" inretail, don' t just read this book--live by it.
(c) Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.

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