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Physical and Logical Security Convergence: Powered by Enterprise Security Management

Physical and Logical Security Convergence: Powered by Enterprise Security Management

[ Paperback, POD 주문제작도서 ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
Contos, Brian T. / Derodeff, Colby / Crowell, William P. | Syngress Publishing | 2007년 05월 13일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발행일 2007년 05월 13일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 566쪽 | 890g | 180*226*37mm
ISBN13 9781597491228
ISBN10 1597491225

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저자 : Brian T. Contos 외
Brian T. Contos, CISSP, Chief Security Officer, ArcSight Inc., has over a decade of real-world security engineering and management expertise developed in some of the most sensitive and mission-critical environments in the world. As ArcSight's CSO he advises government organizations and Global 1,000s on security strategy related to Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions while being an evangelist for the security space. He has written several security books, delivered countless speeches, webcasts, podcasts, and magazine articles. Mr. Contos has held management and engineering positions at Riptech, Lucent Bell Labs, Compaq Computers and the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). He has worked throughout North and South America, Western Europe, and Asia and holds a B.S. from the University of Arizona in addition to a number of industry and vendor certifications.

William P. Crowell is an Independent Consultant specializing in Information Technology, Security and Intelligence Systems. He also is a director and Chairman of Broadware Technologies, an Internet streaming-video company, a director of ArcSight, Inc., an enterprise security management software company, a director of Narus, a software company specializing in IP telecommunications Infrastructure software, a director at Ounce Labs, a software company specializing in source code vulnerability assessment tools and a director of RVison, a video surveillance technology company. In July 2003 he was appointed to the Unisys Corporate Security Advisory Board (now the Security Leadership Institute) to address emerging security issues and best practices. Crowell served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Santa Clara, California-based Cylink Corporation, a leading provider of e-business security solutions from November 1998 to February 2003, when Cylink was acquired by SafeNet, Inc., a Baltimore based VPN technology and security products company. He continues to serve as a consultant and member of the Federal Advisory Board at SafeNet. Crowell came to Cylink from the National Security Agency, where he held a series of senior positions in operations, strategic planning, research and development, and finance. In early 1994 he was appointed as the Deputy Director of NSA and served in that post until his retirement in late 1997 From 1989 to 1990, Crowell served as a vice president at Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corporation, now a subsidiary of Titan Systems, leading business development in space technology, signal processing and intelligence systems. In 1999, Crowell was appointed to the President's Export Council (PEC), which advised the administration on trade and export policy. He served as chairman of the PEC Subcommittee on Encryption, which worked with the Administration, Congress and private industry to substantially loosen restrictions on the export of encryption products and technology. He continues to serve on PEC subcommittee for export administration. In March 2001, the Secretary of Defense appointed Crowell to a federal advisory committee that conducted a comprehensive review of the U. S. Nuclear Command and Control System. Since 9/11 he has served on the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, which published two landmark studies on Homeland Security and information sharing and has also served on numerous panels to investigate and improve our intelligence and security systems.

Colby DeRodeff, GCIA, GCNA, is manager of Technical Marketing at ArcSight. He has spent nearly a decade working with global organizations guiding best practices and empowering the use of ArcSight products across all business verticals including government, finance and healthcare. In this capacity he has been exposed to countless security and organizational challenges giving him a unique perspective on today's information security challenges. Recognized as an expert in the field of IT security, Colby's primary areas of focus are insider threat, the convergence of physical and logical security, as well as enterprise security and information management. As the leader of ArcSight's Technical Marketing team, Colby drives content for customers to more easily identify and solve complex real-world issues. He has helped ArcSight grow from the earliest days as a sales consultant and implementation engineer, to joining the development organization where he was one of the founders of ArcSight's Strategic Application Solutions team delivering content solutions to solve real world problems such as compliance and insider threat. Colby has held several consulting positions at companies; such as Veritas where he was responsible for deploying their global IDS infrastructure and ThinkLink Inc, where he maintained an enterprise VoIP network. Colby attended San Francisco State University and holds both the SANS Intrusion Analyst (GCIA) and Network Auditor (GCNA) certifications.

Dan Dunkel is President of New Era Associates, LLC., a full service sales consultancy and business development practice based in the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex. He brings over 22 years of sales and executive experience working for domestic and international High Tech organizations ranging in size from venture funded startups to Fortune 50 firms. His product knowledge includes enterprise hardware, software solutions, and networking technologies. New Era assists clients that are seeking to develop partnerships and execute tailored strategies in the security convergence marketplace. Mr. Dunkel is a frequent presenter at numerous security industry events worldwide and writes a twice monthly column for Today's System Integrator, a Security Magazine publication.

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