
Star Wars (The Ultimate Soundtrack Edition) (스타워즈 얼티밋 사운드트랙 에디션)

Star Wars (The Ultimate Soundtrack Edition) (스타워즈 얼티밋 사운드트랙 에디션)

[ 10CD + 1DVD 박스 세트 / 국내 한정 수입 ]
리뷰 총점10.0 리뷰 1건
54,270 (19% 할인)


발매일 2016년 01월 08일
시간/무게/크기 크기확인중
제조국 EU

음반소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

디스크 디스크 보이기/감추기

CD 1 : Episode I. The Phantom Menace
  • 01 Star Wars Main Title and the Arrival at Naboo

  • 02 Duel of The Fates

  • 03 Anakin's Theme

  • 04 Jar Jar's Introduction and the Swim to Otoh Gunga

  • 05 The Sith Spacecraft and the Droid Battle

  • 06 The Trip to the Naboo Temple and the Audience with Boss Nass

  • 07 The Arrival at Tatooine and the Flag Parade

  • 08 He Is the Chosen One

  • 09 Anakin Defeats Sebulba

  • 10 Passage Through the Planet Core

  • 11 Watto's Deal and Kids at Play

  • 12 Panaka and the Queen's Protectors

  • 13 Queen Amidala and the Naboo Palace

  • 14 The Droid Invasion and the Appearance of Darth Maul

  • 15 Qui-Gon's Noble End

  • 16 The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral

  • 17 Augie's Great Municipal Band and End Credits

CD 2 : Episode II. Attack of the Clones
  • 01 Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant

  • 02 Across the Stars (Love Theme from Star Wars Episode II)

  • 03 Zam the Assassin and the Chase Through Coruscant

  • 04 Yoda and the Younglings

  • 05 Departing Coruscant

  • 06 Anakin and Padme

  • 07 Jango's Escape

  • 08 The Meadow Picnic

  • 09 Bounty Hunter's Pursuit

  • 10 Return to Tatooine

  • 11 The Tusken Camp and the Homestead

  • 12 Love Pledge and the Arena

  • 13 Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale

CD 3 : Episode III. Revenge of the Sith
  • 01 Star Wars and the Revenge of the Sith - Medley

  • 02 Anakin's Dream

  • 03 Battle of the Heroes

  • 04 Anakin's Betrayal

  • 05 General Grievous

  • 06 Palpatine's Teachings

  • 07 Grievous and the Droids

  • 08 Padme's Ruminations

  • 09 Anakin vs. Obi-Wan

  • 10 Anakin's Dark Deeds

  • 11 Enter Lord Vader

  • 12 The Immolation Scene

  • 13 Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious

  • 14 The Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny - Medley

  • 15 A New Hope and End Credits - Medley

DVD : Star Wars. A Musical Journey
  • 01 Main Title (From "Star Wars")

  • 02 Duel of the Fates (From "Star Wars Episode 1. The Phantom Menace")

  • 03 Anakin's Theme (From "Star Wars Episode 1. The Phantom Menace")

  • 04 Across the Stars (Love Theme) [From "Star Wars Episode 2. Attack of the Clones"]

  • 05 Battle of the Heroes (From "Star Wars Episode 3. Revenge of the Sith")

  • 06 The Imperial March (From "Star Wars Episode 5. The Empire Strikes Back")

  • 07 The Dune Sea of Tatooine, Jawa Sandcrawler (From "Star Wars Episode 4. A New Hope")

  • 08 Binary Sunset, Cantina Band (From "Star Wars Episode 4. A New Hope") - Medley

  • 09 Princess Leia's Theme (From "Star Wars Episode 4. A New Hope")

  • 10 Ben Kenobi's Death / Tie Fighter Attack - Medley

  • 11 Yoda's Theme (From "Star Wars Episode 5. The Empire Strikes Back")

  • 12 The Asteroid Field (From "Star Wars Episode 5. The Empire Strikes Back")

  • 13 Luke and Leia (From "Star Wars Episode 6. Return of the Jedi")

  • 14 The Forest Battle (From "Star Wars Episode 6. Return of the Jedi")

  • 15 Light of the Force (From "Star Wars Episode 6. Return of the Jedi")

  • 16 The Throne Room/End Title - Medley

CD 4 : Episode IV. A New Hope
  • 01 20th Century Fox Fanfare

  • 02 Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner (Medley)

  • 03 Imperial Attack

  • 04 The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler (Medley)

  • 05 The Moisture Farm

  • 06 The Hologram/Binary Sunset (Medley)

  • 07 Landspeeder Search/Attack of the Sand People (Medley)

  • 08 Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn About the Force (Medley)

  • 09 Burning Homestead

  • 10 Mos Eisley Spaceport

  • 11 Cantina Band

  • 12 Cantina Band #2

  • 13 Binary Sunset (Alternate) (Medley)

CD 5 : Episode IV. A New Hope
  • 01 Princess Leia's Theme

  • 02 The Millennium Falcon/Imperial Cruiser Pursuit (Medley)

  • 03 Destruction of Alderaan

  • 04 The Death Star/The Stormtroopers (Medley)

  • 05 Wookie Prisoner/Detention Block Ambush (Medley)

  • 06 Shootout in the Cell Bay/Dianoga (Medley)

  • 07 The Trash Compactor

  • 08 The Tractor Beam/Chasm Crossfire (Medley)

  • 09 Ben Kenobi's Death / Tie Fighter Attack (Medley)

  • 10 The Battle of Yavin

  • 11 The Throne Room/End Title (Medley)

CD 6 : Episode V. The Empire Strikes Back
  • 01 20th Century Fox Fanfare

  • 02 Main Title/The Ice Planet Hoth (Medley)

  • 03 The Wampa's Lair/Vision of Obi-Wan/Snowspeeders Take Flight (Medley)

  • 04 The Imperial Probe/Aboard the Executor (Medley)

  • 05 The Battle of Hoth (Medley)

  • 06 The Asteroid Field

  • 07 Arrival on Dagobah

  • 08 Luke's Nocturnal Visitor

  • 09 Han Solo and the Princess

  • 10 Jedi Master Revealed/Mynock Cave (Medley)

  • 11 The Training of a Jedi Knight/The Magic Tree (Medley)

CD 7 : CD 6 : Episode V. The Empire Strikes Back
  • 01 The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)

  • 02 Yoda's Theme

  • 03 Attacking a Star Destroyer

  • 04 Yoda and the Force

  • 05 Imperial Starfleet Deployed/City in the Clouds (Medley)

  • 06 Lando's Palace

  • 07 Betrayal at Bespin

  • 08 Deal with Dark Lord

  • 09 Carbon Freeze/Darth Vader's Trap /Departure of Boba Fett (Medley)

  • 10 The Clash of Lightsabers

  • 11 Rescue from Cloud City/Hyperspace (Medley)

  • 12 The Rebel Fleet/End Title (Medley)

CD 8 : Episode VI. Return of the Jedi
  • 01 20th Century Fox Fanfare

  • 02 Main Title/Approaching The Death Star/Tatooine Rendezvous (Medley)

  • 03 The Droids Are Captured

  • 04 Bounty for a Wookiee

  • 05 Han Solo Returns

  • 06 Luke Confronts Jabba/Den Of The Rancor/Sarlacc Sentence (Medley)

  • 07 The Pit of Carkoon/Sail Barge Assault (Medley)

  • 08 The Emperor Arrives/The Death of Yoda/Obi-Wan's Revelation (Medley)

  • 09 Alliance Assembly

  • 10 Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor

  • 11 Speeder Bike Chase/Land of the Ewoks (Medley)

  • 12 The Levitation/Threepio's Bedtime Story (Medley)

  • 13 Jabba's Baroque Recital

  • 14 Jedi Rocks

  • 15 Sail Barge Assault (Alternate Version)

CD 9 : Episode VI. Return of the Jedi
  • 01 Parade of the Ewoks

  • 02 Luke and Leia

  • 03 Brother and Sister/Father and Son/The Fleet Enters Hyperspace/Heroic Ewok (Medley)

  • 04 Emperor's Throne Room

  • 05 The Battle Of Endor I (Medley)

  • 06 The Lightsaber/The Ewok Battle (Medley)

  • 07 The Battle Of Endor II (Medley)

  • 08 The Battle Of Endor III (Medley)

  • 09 Leia's News/Light of the Force (Medley)

  • 10 Victory Celebration/End Title (Medley)

  • 11 Ewok Feast/Part of the Tribe (Medley)

  • 12 The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)

CD 10 : Interviews with Harrison Ford and John Williams
  • 01 John Williams in interview about his life as a composer

  • 02 Harrison Ford in interview about Star Wars

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반품/교환 가능기간
  •  출고 완료 후 10일 이내의 주문 상품
  •  디지털 콘텐츠인 eBook의 경우 구매 후 7일 이내의 상품
  •  중고상품의 경우 출고 완료일로부터 6일 이내의 상품 (구매확정 전 상태)
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