
사이즈 비교
Designing Your Own Unique and Dazzling Life

Designing Your Own Unique and Dazzling Life

[ Hardcover ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발행일 2017년 02월 15일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 240쪽 | 148*210mm
ISBN13 9788995359143
ISBN10 8995359145

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 (1명)

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

With humility, I wanted to bear witness to how interesting, fulfilling and wonderfully exciting life can be when you live with the belief of the“ power of positive force.” Regardless of the nature of one’s work or education, people strive to achieve their“ creative best” output. As a result, one can enjoy the sweet memory of dynamic stories of someone saving a person’s life or rescuing a family or even a nation. I can easily imagine how rewarding it would be for a doctor to apply his or her own creative craft to save a person’s life despite 1% chance of success.
I am reminded over and over again that the secret to happiness is confronting and overcoming adversities even where creative bes tefforts did not appear adequate. First experience is heart-pounding electricity. My memories of those first experiences where I took the challenge without cowering are still fresh in my mind. What followed those first experiences energized and excited me as I looked forward to the fruits of my labor.
I also want to share my personal realization of unique and dazzling experiences of “creative best efforts” not only with my peer patent attorneys, but also with all other professionals, business people and my good neighbors on this planet.

Your life will be filled with joy when you can shine “your own unique, dazzling light.”
“I” am not simply one of 7 billion people. My own unique existence was created in a truly precious time and space. There will never be anything resembling me before and after. I tell my children whenever I can.
“Look at the pebbles on the bank of the river. Each of them looks different. Why are you not as round as me? Why are you triangular? Why are you oblong? Don’t complicate things by thinking too much. Take things for what they are. Each of us is different. Because we are all different, there is value in each and every one of us. We follow and benefit from so many things that have been created in the course of mankind, and each one of us has a unique, dazzling formula for life. For this very reason, “I” have a precious and treasured existence. Likewise, we must acknowledge and respect each and every “you” and “them.” Each and every one as the world’s most unique existence.”
You must live with creative best effort. Your life will be filled with joy when you can shine “your own unique, dazzling light.” I am certain that your own “light” will contribute to the mankind in its own way.

Research analysis and data show that creative ideas and outstanding inventions come more from smaller-sized companies or individuals as opposed to conglomerates. Smaller units of organizations combine to form large ones. No one should look down on someone because of size. While our society may have grown somewhat materially, the level of our moral culture still has a long way to go. Let’s not forget that. We must not forget that individuals and small-sized companies are the lifeline and progress for the conglomerates and are the starting and destination point for the creative best effort and creative minority.
p. 56

You shouldn’t be afraid to spend money on the fees of a lawyer or a patent attorney. Otherwise, you may need a spade when a hoe would have been enough. Remember, you will win every battle if you know yourself and your enemy. By precisely understanding the crux of the issue, anyone can all prevail without fighting.
p. 87

Even at this moment, your good luck is floating around you. Be courageous, push out and get up. Reach out and grab your good luck. Take a look at your family, people and all matters around you with a new perspective and new mindset. You will begin to see a new world.
p. 92

We follow and benefit from so many things that have been created in the course of mankind, and each one of us has a unique, dazzling formula for life. For this very reason,“ I” have a precious and treasured existence. Likewise, we must acknowledge and respect each and every“ you” and“ them.” Each and every one as the world’s most unique existence.”
p. 220

You must live with creative best effort. Your life will be filled with joy when you can shine“ your own unique, dazzling light.” I am certain that your own“ light” will contribute to the mankind in its own way.
p. 220
--- p.220

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