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영문판 마따이따이 하록선장다시날다 Mataitai Captain Harock, rising up again

영문판 마따이따이 하록선장다시날다 Mataitai Captain Harock, rising up again

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  • 2020.4.1 이후 구매 도서 크레마터치에서 이용 불가, PC 뷰어 이용시 하이라이트 기능 사용 불가
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발행일 2017년 02월 17일
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지원기기 크레마, PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원), 아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드폰, 안드로이드패드, 전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가), PC(Mac)
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ISBN13 9791160556100

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저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

Sang Yun Lee (July,16, 1974~) is a professor of Korea. Sang Yun Lee is famous a professor overcoming two times near death experiences and two handicaps. Sang Yun Lee was posted in 5th division search battalion after he was enlisted in the army, he was in DMZ operation and discharged with honor as a sargent, it was first time he had near death experience and overcame his first handicap. He overcame the last stage of maxillary sinus cancer which shows the low survival rate around 20%, and succeeded in communication wearing dentures, which is his second time near death and the second rehabilitation process from the handicap. In spite of the distinct occupational requirement of lecturing performance as a professor, for the first time as the language handicapped, he was hired as a professor. He developed MICRO-ROBOT FOR BLOOD VESSEL INSPECTION USING A HYDRAULIC PROPULSION METHOD for the first time in the world. With regard to the ferry Sewol sinking disaster which took place on April 16, 2014, Prof. Lee addressed that many risk elements caused the accident in stages, namely, unqualified personnel, passing Maengol waterway with the strong current in the fast speed, overloading, the shortage of ship ballast equilibrium water, subsequently, he developed the real time ship-risk monitoring & disaster prevention system and the national integrated disaster prevention system related technology and system for precaution or countermeasure against disasters and applied for the patents thereon and decided to donate them to the government organizations or private companies for the public interest as of May 16th, one month after the tragedy. Prof. Lee is listed in a high school text book as 'The engineering professor who is engineering our future'. He developed the real time ship-risk monitoring & disaster prevention system and the national integrated disaster prevention system related technology and system for precaution or countermeasure against disasters and applied for the patents thereon. He wanted to suggest a solution to the survived families and people as a related scholar, and developed the technology to utilize as a foundation system in the control tower, such as Ministry of public security and safety, and decided to donate them to the government organizations or private companies for the public interest. He was listed as an engineering professor who is engineering the future as a high school text book, one of the reasons he developed MICRO-ROBOT FOR BLOOD VESSEL INSPECTIONL USING A HYDRAULIC PROPULSION METHOD is to remove the waste like cancer by using micro-robot, so when the development is complete, he wants to conduct the clinical experiment on himself to elevate the completeness of the technology and intends to free the cancer patients in this countries from the disease.
Prof. Sang Yun Lee, in Pukyong National Univ. inaugurated vice-chair in the Korean Ecological Engineering Association in his 40s, making headlines

A Professor in his early 40s becomes a sensation by making a vice-chairman of The Korean Ecological Engineering Association. Prof. Sang Yun Lee is inaugurated as a vice-chairman of The Korean Ecological Engineering Association, opening the year of the Monkey. Prof. Lee became the talk of the town by his inauguration speech that he would be devoted in Government 3.0 vitalization aiming at green growth in the generation foreseeing crises upon resources and environment. Prof. Lee stated, "In the atmosphere stressing the consilience among study fields and the interdisciplinary convergence lately, I would like to advance our society by promoting more policy development, assuming we focused in the major technology development before." Especially, he commented, "Didn't the society demonstrate its intention by appointing me as the vice chairman, in my 40s?".
Prof. Sang-Yun Lee earned Ph.D degree majoring in public policy at the college of Economics & International trade, in Busan National Univ., soon after his Ph.D degree award in engineering, Master's degree in politics & foreign affairs in Busan National Univ. where he received the Bachelor's degree in Naval architecture and ocean engineering. He assumed his duties as the director of the Korean Association for Public Administration (2013) and the director of general affairs,(2014-) the disaster radio communication act/science & technology policy sub-committee chair of the Korea Institute of Electronic Communication (2012) from his 30s, while he was publishing a variety of theses and books.
Most recently, Prof. Lee authored and published a book titled, "Success Strategy of People's party; Ahn Cheol Soo's showdown" (ISBN9788993989083), analyzing Ahn Cheol Soo's chances based on his knowledge obtained while pursuing Master's degree in politics.
Prof. Lee earned his Master's in politics & foreign affairs by "A study on the regionalism shown in election" , later Ph.D degree in public policy in Busan National Univ. and he has published "Election strategy and Prisoner’s Dilemma (ISBN 978-89-93989-00-7), before the 17th presidential election in the past.
Upon his inauguration on Jan.12, Prof. Lee delivered his intention to embody full -scale government 3.0, creating green growth and green government, by striving for Korean electronic government research, his Ph.D major in public policy.
On the other hand, Prof. Lee developed MICRO-ROBOT FOR BLOOD VESSEL INSPECTION USING A HYDRAULIC PROPULSION METHOD for the first time in the world, with regard to the ferry Sewol sinking disaster, he addressed that many risk elements caused the accident in stages, namely, unqualified personnel, passing Maengol waterway with the strong current in the fast speed, overloading, the shortage of ship ballast equilibrium water, subsequently, he developed the real time ship-risk monitoring & disaster prevention system and the national integrated disaster prevention system related technology and system for precaution or countermeasure against disasters and applied for the patents thereon and decided to donate them to the government organizations or private companies for the public interest.
Prof. Lee is listed in a high school text book as 'The engineering professor who is engineering our future' since 2015, also he was designated as a man in national merit, because he served in the army 5th division search battalion with an award from the commander for his honorable service in DMZ operation.
In his Univ. years, he taught in the night schools in a torn-down village, Yonghodong, Busan and the old lepers' asylum for public service, also he invented a riot- suppressing pricker concerning the protesters' safety. (the patent no.200251743) upon facing a protester's loss of sight.
Afterwards, Prof. Lee was leading the civic movement, having deep interest in the right to education of the handicapped, the socially marginalized group and the neglected children, while he assumed his duty as Busan YMCA education committee, after he acquired the license for a social worker and a lifelong educator.

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