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Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide

Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide

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구매 시 참고사항
  • 2020.4.1 이후 구매 도서 크레마터치에서 이용 불가, PC 뷰어 이용시 하이라이트 기능 사용 불가


발행일 2013년 09월 24일
이용안내 ?
지원기기 크레마, PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원), 아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드폰, 안드로이드패드, PC(Mac)
파일/용량 PDF(DRM) | 6.38MB ?
글자 수/ 페이지 수 약 440쪽?
ISBN13 9781782171218

소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

Francisco Munoz Alvarez has over two decades of experience in consulting,
analysis, support, implementation, and migration of Oracle products. He is also
an expert in most phases of a database life cycle, for example, development,
stabilization, security, backup and recovery, tuning, installations, and data
warehouse (ETL) with excellent implementation and support methodologies.
He is a popular speaker at many Oracle conferences around the world.
He is also the President of CLOUG (Chilean Oracle Users Group), LAOUC (Latin
American Oracle Users Group Community, which is the umbrella organization for
all of Latin America), and NZOUG (New Zealand Oracle Users Group). He worked
as an Associate Technologist for Oracle in Brazil and Chile. He was an Oracle
instructor for the New Horizons Centre (Chile) and for Oracle Education (Brazil
and Chile). He also worked in the fi rst team to introduce Oracle to South America
(Oracle 6 and the beta version of Oracle 7). He was also the fi rst Master Oracle 7
Database Administrator in South America, as well as the fi rst Latin American Oracle
professional to be awarded a double ACE (ACE in 2008 and ACE Director in 2009)
by Oracle HQ. In 2010, he had the privilege to receive a prestigious Oracle Magazine
Editor's Choice Award as the Oracle Evangelist of the Year?a huge recognition for
his outstanding achievements in the Oracle world that includes the creation and
organization of the already famous OTN Tours that are the biggest Oracle evangelist
events in the world.
Currently, Francisco works for Revera Limited, which is a leading provider of utility
computing infrastructure and enterprise data management in New Zealand, as the
Oracle Professional Services Manager since June 2011. He also maintains an Oracle
blog (http://www.oraclenz.org) and you can always contact him through this or
Twitter (@fcomunoz) regarding any questions about this book.

Aman Sharma is an Oracle Database consultant and instructor. He holds a
Master's degree in Computer Applications and has been working with Oracle
Database for over a decade. His main focus is to understand how Oracle Database
works internally. Besides the core database, he has a very strong knowledge of
Linux, Solaris, Oracle RAC, Data Guard, RMAN, Oracle Exadata and Oracle
Enterprise Manager.
He is an Oracle Certifi ed Professional and also an Oracle Certifi ed Expert in
Oracle RAC, SQL and Linux. He is also an Oracle Certifi ed Implementation
Specialist and a certifi ed Solaris System Administrator. He loves to share his
learning with the Oracle community, so when he is not delivering an Oracle
related session, he spends a lot of his time participating in OTN (Oracle
Technology Network) discussion forums. He also maintains an Oracle blog
(http://blog.aristadba.com), is also on Twitter (@amansharma81), you can reach
to him using either ways. He is a strong supporter of user groups and is a member
of India Oracle Users Group (http://www.aioug.org) and has been a speaker at
various Oracle conferences organized by AIOUG. He is also an associate member of
IOUG (http://www.ioug.org). In 2010, he was awarded the prestigious Oracle ACE
award from Oracle Corporation.

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