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Microsoft System Center 2016 Service Manager Cookbook - Second Edition

Microsoft System Center 2016 Service Manager Cookbook - Second Edition

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  • 2020.4.1 이후 구매 도서 크레마터치에서 이용 불가, PC 뷰어 이용시 하이라이트 기능 사용 불가


발행일 2017년 02월 27일
이용안내 ?
지원기기 크레마, PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원), 아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드폰, 안드로이드패드, PC(Mac)
파일/용량 PDF(DRM) | 25.37MB ?
글자 수/ 페이지 수 약 628쪽?
ISBN13 9781786467195

소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

Anders Asp (MVP) is a Principal Consultant at Lumagate AB with focus on ITSM and automation in the hybrid cloud. He is very active in the community and can regularly be seen speaking at different events, teaching courses, blogging on his blog at www.scsm.se, or answering questions on different forums. For his work in the community, he was awarded the Microsoft MVP award in the Cloud and Datacenter area for the first time in 2012 and has since then been renewed as MVP every year.
Anders has been working with Service Manager since 2009, when the product was still in early beta, and has provided endless feedback to Microsoft and seen the product evolve to what it is today. Besides Service Manager, he is also very fond of the whole Microsoft Operations Management Suite and helps customers embrace the management capabilities it offers.

Andreas Baumgarten (MVP) is a Microsoft MVP and works as an IT Architect with the German IT service provider H&D International Group. He has been working as an IT professional for more than 20 years. Microsoft technologies have always accompanied him, and he can also look back on more than 14 years' experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer.
Since 2008, he has been responsible for the field of Microsoft System Center technology consulting and ever since has taken part in Microsoft System Center Service Manager (2010, 2012, 2012 R2 and 2016); additionally, he has participated in the Microsoft System Center Technology Adoption Program with H&D since many years.
With his deep inside-technology know-how and his broad experience across the Microsoft System Center product family and IT management, he now designs and develops private and hybrid cloud solutions for customers all over Germany and Europe.
In October 2016 he was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) title for System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management for the fifth year in a row.

Steve Beaumont (MVP) has worked for more years than he cares to admit within IT, starting with desktop support. He is now the Product Development Director of PowerONPlatforms and a Microsoft MVP within the Cloud and Datacenter Management area, where he helps organizations realize the benefits of the hybrid cloud. He is also a co-author of the Microsoft System Center 2012 Service Manager, Orchestrator, and Operations Manager cookbooks. Steve can also be found speaking at various events and blogging either at http://systemcenter.ninja or http://www.poweronplatforms.com/news-and-blogs/, where he covers all things System Center and Azure related to design, deployment, and optimization.
His passion for everything about System Center, Azure, and IT systems management reflects through all areas of his work, presentation, and day-to-day life in the form of new and innovative solutions brought to the market by PowerONPlatforms.

Dieter Gasser is an IT consultant and the management partner of itnetX AG, headquartered in Switzerland. He has a strong focus on the delivery and customization of Service Manager.
Dieter has been working in IT for more than 13 years, and has focused on Microsoft technologies. He started his career as an application and database developer, and later became the IT manager of an international manufacturing company.
In 2010, he entered the systems management and automation market. With both his technical and managerial backgrounds, he has focused on Service Manager. Together with his colleagues, he delivers data center management, automation, and cloud solutions based on Microsoft System Center to customers all across Switzerland.

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