
사이즈 비교
Thinking Like An Engineer

Thinking Like An Engineer

: An Active Learning Approach

바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
  • 배송비 : 무료 ?
  •  국내배송만 가능
  •  문화비소득공제 신청가능


발행일 2010년 01월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 624쪽 | 203*251*23mm
ISBN13 9780135102039
ISBN10 0135102030

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : Elizabeth A. Stephan
Elizabeth A. Stephanis the Director of the General Engineering Program at Clemson University. She earned a BS in Chemical Engineering from The University of Akron. During her undergraduate work, she completed a cooperative education experience with Dow Chemical in Midland, MI, conducted research on coal purification methods, and was named the College of Engineering Outstanding Senior. After graduation, she was employed by Boride, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dow Chemical in Traverse City, MI, specializing in high-performance ceramics. She returned to The University of Akron on a College of Engineering Fellowship, earning her PhD in Chemical Engineering focusing on multiphase transport processes. She has taught at The University of Akron and Wayne College, and served in several post-doctoral positions. She joined the faculty at Clemson in January, 2002 in the General Engineering Program, assuming the role of Director in 2007. Beth has served as a national official as a district director in Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society, since 1996. She is the chief advisor for the South Carolina Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, and an advisor for the Clemson chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon, a professional sorority.
저자 : David R. Bowman
David R. Bowman has been teaching in the General Engineering Program at Clemson University since January, 2006. He earned his degrees from Clemson University, including a BS and MS in Computer Engineering and is currently pursuing a PhD. A member of ASEE, David has experience in the design and development of software tools for engineering education research and pedagogy. During his undergraduate and graduate work, David hosted All Screams Considered, an award winning radio show on WSBF-FM, whose name apes the popular NPR program All Things Considered. In addition to broadcasting, David enjoys performing music on acoustic, electric, and bass guitars.
저자 : William J. Park
William J. Park is currently an associate professor in the Engineering and Science Education Department at Clemson University. Following a few years as a cattle farmer, he completed three degrees at Clemson University: a BS in Ornamental Horticulture with a particular emphasis on xerophytic plants, an MS in Electrical Engineering focusing on electronic music synthesis, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering conducting research in electronic counter-counter measures. Bill is currently faculty advisor for a student team renovating a very large 1970’s vintage electronic organ, and is a moderately accomplished pianist.
저자 : Benjamin L. Sill
Benjamin L. Sill is Alumni Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, having retired in 2008 after 32 years at Clemson University. He earned a BS and MS from N.C. State University in Aerospace Engineering and a PhD from Virginia Tech in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. Before he joined Clemson, Ben was employed by the Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head, MD, and by Duke Power Company, Charlotte, NC. At Clemson, he was a founder of Clemson’s Wind Load Test Facility. Beginning in 1999 he served as the Director of Clemson’s General Engineering Program. In 2007, he helped establish a new Engineering and Science Education Department at Clemson, and served as its chair until his retirement. He is the recipient of numerous teaching and research awards, including the prestigious Clemson Class of 1939 Award. Outside the university, he gives numerous presentations with topics ranging from humorous to educational ? including talks on ancient coins, old maps, wildflowers, houseplants, snakes, birds, and hurricanes. Ben has authored three bird books, has published technical articles on snakes, frogs, fish, volleyball, and bromeliads and has created and registered many new bromeliad hybrids.
저자 : Matthew W. Ohland
Matthew W. Ohland is currently an associate professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. He earned a BS in Engineering and a BA in Religion from Swarthmore College, MS degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida. Matt was an NSF postdoctoral fellow for science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education and joined the faculty of General Engineering at Clemson University in 2001. In 2006, he joined the faculty at Purdue University. He was the 2002-2006 National President of Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society. He currently serves as the Chair of the Educational Research and Methods division and an ABET Program Evaluator for the American Society of Engineering Education, on the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Education Society, and as the Chair of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technology.

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  •  디지털 콘텐츠인 eBook의 경우 구매 후 7일 이내의 상품
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  •  디지털 컨텐츠인 eBook, 오디오북 등을 1회 이상 다운로드를 받았을 경우
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소비자 피해보상
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