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Online Chapters and Appendices
VideoNotes Preface About the Author I. Background 1. Computer System Overview 1.1. Basic Elements 1.2. Evolution of the Microprocessor 1.3. Instruction Execution 1.4. Interrupts 1.5. The Memory Hierarchy 1.6. Cache Memory 1.7. Direct Memory Access 1.8. Multiprocessor and Multicore Organization 1.9. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 1A. Performance Characteristics of Two-Level Memories 2. Operating System Overview 2.1. Operating System Objectives and Functions 2.2. The Evolution of Operating Systems 2.3. Major Achievements 2.4. Developments Leading to Modern Operating Systems 2.5. Fault Tolerance 2.6. Os Design Considerations for Multiprocessor and Multicore 2.7. Microsoft Windows Overview 2.8. Traditional Unix Systems 2.9. Modern Unix Systems 2.10. Linux 2.11. Android 2.12. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems II. Processes 3. Process Description and Control 3.1. What is a Process? 3.2. Process States 3.3. Process Description 3.4. Process Control 3.5. Execution of the Operating System 3.6. Unix Svr4 Process Management 3.7. Summary 3.8. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 4. Threads 4.1. Processes and Threads 4.2. Types of Threads 4.3. Multicore and Multithreading 4.4. Windows Process and Thread Management 4.5. Solaris Thread and Smp Management 4.6. Linux Process and Thread Management 4.7. Android Process and Thread Management 4.8. Mac OS X Grand Central Dispatch 4.9. Summary 4.10. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 5. Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization 5.1. Mutual Exclusion: Software Approaches 5.2. Principles of Concurrency 5.3. Mutual Exclusion: Hardware Support 5.4. Semaphores 5.5. Monitors 5.6. Message Passing 5.7. Readers/Writers Problem 5.8. Summary 5.9. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 6. Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation 6.1. Principles of Deadlock 6.2. Deadlock Prevention 6.3. Deadlock Avoidance 6.4. Deadlock Detection 6.5. An Integrated Deadlock Strategy 6.6. Dining Philosophers Problem 6.7. Unix Concurrency Mechanisms 6.8. Linux Kernel Concurrency Mechanisms 6.9. Solaris Thread Synchronization Primitives 6.10. Windows Concurrency Mechanisms 6.11. Android Interprocess Communication 6.12. Summary 6.13. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems III. Memory 7. Memory Management 7.1. Memory Management Requirements 7.2. Memory Partitioning 7.3. Paging 7.4. Segmentation 7.5. Summary 7.6. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 7A. Loading and Linking 8. Virtual Memory 8.1. Hardware and Control Structures 8.2. Operating System Software 8.3. Unix and Solaris Memory Management 8.4. Linux Memory Management 8.5. Windows Memory Management 8.6. Android Memory Management 8.7. Summary 8.8. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems IV. Scheduling 9. Uniprocessor Scheduling 9.1. Types of Processor Scheduling 9.2. Scheduling Algorithms 9.3. Traditional Unix Scheduling 9.4. Summary 9.5. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 10. Multiprocessor, Multicore, and Real-Time Scheduling 10.1. Multiprocessor and Multicore Scheduling 10.2. Real-Time Scheduling 10.3. Linux Scheduling 10.4. Unix Svr4 Scheduling 10.5. Unix Freebsd Scheduling 10.6. Windows Scheduling 10.7. Summary 10.8. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems V. Input/Output and Files 11. I/O Management and Disk Scheduling 11.1. I/O Devices 11.2. Organization of the I/O Function 11.3. Operating System Design Issues 11.4. I/O Buffering 11.5. Disk Scheduling 11.6. Raid 11.7. Disk Cache 11.8. Unix Svr4 I/O 11.9. Linux I/O 11.10. Windows I/O 11.11. Summary 11.12. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 12. File Management 12.1. Overview 12.2. File Organization and Access 12.3. B-Trees 12.4. File Directories 12.5. File Sharing 12.6. Record Blocking 12.7. Secondary Storage Management 12.8. Unix File Management 12.9. Linux Virtual File System 12.10. Windows File System 12.11. Android File Management 12.12. Summary 12.13. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems VI. Embedded Systems 13 Embedded Operating Systems 13.1. Embedded Systems 13.2. Characteristics of Embedded Operating Systems 13.3. Embedded Linux 13.4. Tinyos 13.5. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 14. Virtual Machines 14.1. Virtual Machine Concepts 14.2. Hypervisors 14.3. Container Virtualization 14.4. Processor Issues 14.5. Memory Management 14.6. I/O Management 14.7. Vmware Esxi 14.8. Microsoft Hyper-V and Xen Variants 14.9. Java Vm 14.10. Linux Vserver Virtual Machine Architecture 14.11. Summary 14.12. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 15. Operating System Security 15.1. Intruders and Malicious Software 15.2. Buffer Overflow 15.3. Access Control 15.4. Unix Access Control 15.5. Operating Systems Hardening 15.6. Security Maintenance 15.7. Windows Security 15.8. Summary 15.9. Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 16. Cloud and IoT Operating Systems 16.1. Cloud Computing 16.2. Cloud Operating Systems 16.3. The Internet of Things 16.4. IoT Operating Systems 16.5. Key Terms and Review Questions Appendix A. Topics in Concurrency Appendix B. Programming and Operating System Projects References Credits Index |