
Metallica - And Justice For All (Ltd. Ed)(Remastered)(180G)(6LP+11CD+4DVD)(Deluxe Boxset)

Metallica - And Justice For All (Ltd. Ed)(Remastered)(180G)(6LP+11CD+4DVD)(Deluxe Boxset)

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발매일 2018년 11월 02일
시간/무게/크기 크기확인중

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LP 구매시 참고 사항 안내드립니다.
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1) 제작/배송 과정에 따라 경미한 재킷 주름, 모서리 눌림, 갈라짐이 발생할 수 있으며 속지(이너 슬리브)는 디스크와의 접촉으로 인해 갈라질 수 있습니다.
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4) 디지털 다운로드 코드는 본사에서 공지 없이 증정 종료될 수 있습니다.

※ 재생 불량
1) 침압 조절 기능이 없는 턴테이블을 사용하시는 경우, (주로 올인원 형태 모델) 다이내믹 사운드의 편차가 큰 트랙을 재생할 때 이상 현상이 발생할 수 있습니다.
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2) 디스크는 정전기와 먼지로 인해 재생이 원활하지 않은 경우가 있습니다. 전용 제품으로 이를 제거하면 대부분 해결됩니다.
3) 바늘에 먼지가 쌓이는 경우에도 재생이 원활하지 않을 수 있습니다.

※ 디스크 외관 불량
1) 열을 가하여 제작하는 바이닐 공정 특성상 디스크 표면이 미세하게 울렁거리거나 휘어지는 경우가 있습니다.
재생이 불안정한 경우 스태빌라이저를 사용하시면 좀 더 안정적인 재생이 가능합니다.
2) 재생 음역의 왜곡을 최소화 하고 반복 재생시에도 최대한 일관되게 유지되도록 디스크 센터 홀 구경이 작게 제작되는 경우가 있습니다. 턴테이블 스핀들에 맞지 않는 경우에는 전용 제품 등을 이용하여 센터 홀을 조정하시면 해결됩니다.
3) 디스크에 미세한 잔 흠집이 남아있거나 인쇄 면이 깨끗하지 않은 경우가 있으며, 이는 상품의 불량이 아닙니다. 단, 재생에 이상이 있는 경우에는 불량으로 인한 반품/교환이 가능합니다

※ 컬러 디스크
아래에 해당하는 경우는 불량이 아니므로 개봉 후 반품/교환이 불가합니다.
1) 컬러 디스크는 웹 이미지와 실제 색상이 차이가 날 수 있습니다.
2) 컬러 디스크의 특성상 제작 공정시 앨범마다 색상 차이가 나는 경우도 있습니다.
3) 컬러 디스크는 제작 과정에서 다른 색상 염료가 섞여 얼룩과 번짐, 반점 등이 발생할 수 있습니다.

※ 반품/교환 안내
1) 불량으로 인한 반품/교환 요청 시에는 불량 확인을 위해 개봉 시의 동영상을 요청할 수 있으며, 동영상이 없는 경우 반품/교환이 제한될 수 있습니다.
관련 사진과 동영상 및 재생 기기 모델명을 첨부하여 첨부하여 고객센터에 문의 바랍니다.
2) LP는 잦은 배송 과정에서 재킷에 손상이 발생할 가능성이 높고 재판매가 어려우므로 신중한 구매를 부탁드립니다.

디스크 디스크 보이기/감추기

  • 01 Blackened (remastered)

  • 02 And Justice For All (remastered)

  • 01 Eye Of The Beholder (remastered)

  • 02 One (remastered)

  • 01 The Shortest Straw (remastered)

  • 02 Harvester Of Sorrow (remastered)

  • 03 The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (remastered)

  • 01 To Live Is To Die (remastered)

  • 02 Dyers Eve (remastered)

  • 01 One (remastered)

  • 01 Seek & Destroy (live At Reunion Arena, Dallas, Tx - February 5th, 1989)

  • 01 The Ecstasy Of Gold (live In Seattle '89)

  • 02 Blackened (live In Seattle '89)

  • 03 For Whom The Bell Tolls (live In Seattle '89)

  • 04 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live In Seattle '89)

  • 01 Harvester Of Sorrow (live In Seattle '89)

  • 02 The Four Horsemen (live In Seattle '89)

  • 03 The Thingthat Should Not Be (live In Seattle '89)

  • 01 Bass Solo (live In Seattle '89)

  • 02 Master Of Puppets (live In Seattle '89)

  • 03 Fade To Black (live In Seattle '89)

  • 01 Seek & Destroy (live In Seattle '89)

  • 02 And Justice For All (live In Seattle '89)

  • 03 One (live In Seattle '89)

  • 01 Creeping Death (live In Seattle '89)

  • 02 Guitar Solo (live In Seattle '89)

  • 03 Battery (live In Seattle '89)

  • 01 Encore Jam (live In Seattle '89)

  • 02 Last Caress (live In Seattle '89)

  • 03 Am I Evil (live In Seattle '89)

  • 04 Whiplash (live In Seattle '89)

  • 05 Breadfan (live In Seattle '89)

  • 01 Blackened (remastered)

  • 02 And Justice For All (remastered)

  • 03 Eye Of The Beholder (remastered)

  • 04 One (remastered)

  • 05 The Shortest Straw (remastered)

  • 06 Harvester Of Sorrow (remastered)

  • 07 The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (remastered)

  • 08 To Live Is To Die (remastered)

  • 09 Dyers Eve (remastered)

  • 01 KSDT Interviewwith Jason

  • 02 Circus Magazine Interview With James

  • 03 Knac Report From La Monsters Of Rock

  • 04 Khdx Interview With Kirk

  • 05 Metal Forces Magazine Interview With Lars

  • 01 Blackened (1987, From James' Riff Tapes

  • 02 Blackened (1987, From James' Riff Tapes Ii)

  • 03 And Justice For All (1987, From James' Riff Tapes

  • 04 And Justice For All (1988, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 05 Eye Of The Beholder (1987, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 06 Eye Of The Beholder (1987, From James' Riff Tapes Ii)

  • 07 One (1987, From James' Riff Tapes

  • 08 The Shortest Straw (1986, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 09 The Shortest Straw (1986, From James' Riff Tapes Ii)

  • 10 Harvester Of Sorrow (1987, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 11 The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (1987, From James' Riff Tapes

  • 12 To Live Is To Die (1986, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 13 To Live Is To Die (1988, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 14 Dyers Eve (1986, From James' Riff Tapes)

  • 15 Dyers Eve (1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 16 Blackened (october 1987, Writing In Progress

  • 17 And Justice For All (october 1987, Writing In Progress

  • 18 And Justice For All (october 1987, Writing In Progress Ii)

  • 19 One (october 1987, Writing In Progress

  • 20 The Shortest Straw (october 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 21 And Justice For All (november 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 22 The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (november 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 23 One (november 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 24 Dyers Eve (november 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 25 Eye Of The Beholder (november 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 26 To Live Is To Die (november 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 27 The Shortest Straw (december 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 28 Harvester Of Sorrow (december 1987, Writing In Progress)

  • 01 Blackened (november 1987 Demo)

  • 02 And Justice For All (november 1987 Demo)

  • 03 Eye Of The Beholder (november 1987 Demo)

  • 04 One (november 1987 Demo)

  • 05 The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (november 1987 Demo)

  • 06 Eye Of The Beholder (january 1988 Demo)

  • 07 The Shortest Straw (january 1988 Demo)

  • 08 Harvester Of Sorrow (january 1988 Demo)

  • 09 Dyers Eve (january 1988 Demo)

  • 10 To Live Is To Die (january 1988 Demo)

  • 01 Blackened (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 02 '...and Justice For All (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 03 Eye Of The Beholder (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 04 One (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 05 The Shortest Straw (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 06 Harvester Of Sorrow (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 07 The Frayed Ends Of Sanity (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 08 To Live Is To Die (acoustic Intro) (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 09 To Live Is To Die (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 10 Dyers Eve (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 11 Breadfan (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 12 The Prince (work In Progress Rough Mix)

  • 01 Creeping Death (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 02 For Whom The Bell Tolls (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 03 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 04 The Four Horsemen (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 05 Whiplash (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 06 Fade To Black (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 07 Seek & Destroy (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 08 Master Of Puppets (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 09 Encore Jam (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 10 Last Caress (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 11 Am I Evil? (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 12 Battery (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 01 Encore Jam #2 (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 02 Harvester Of Sorrow (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 03 Leper Messiah (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 04 Blitzkrieg (live At The Troubadour, West Hollywood, Ca - May 24th, 1988)

  • 05 Breadfan (remastered)

  • 06 The Prince (remastered)

  • 07 For Whom The Bell Tolls (live At Reunion Arena, Dallas, Tx - February 5th, 1989)

  • 08 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live At Reunion Arena, Dallas, Tx - February 5th, 1989)

  • 09 Seek & Destroy (live At Reunion Arena, Dallas, Tx - February 5th, 1989)

  • 10 Creeping Death (live At Reunion Arena, Dallas, Tx - February 5th, 1989)

  • 11 Harvester Of Sorrow (live At Seattle Coliseum, Seattle, Wa - August 29th, 1989)

  • 12 One (live At Seattle Coliseum, Seattle, Wa - August 29th, 1989)

  • 13 Breadfan (live At Seattle Coliseum, Seattle, Wa - August 30th, 1989)

  • 14 Last Caress (live At Seattle Coliseum, Seattle, Wa - August 30th, 1989)

  • 01 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 02 The Four Horsemen (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 03 Harvester Of Sorrow (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 04 Eye Of The Beholder (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 05 Bass Solo (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 06 Master Of Puppets (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 07 Damage, Inc. (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 08 One (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 09 Seek & Destroy (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 10 And Justice For All (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 01 Encore Jam (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 02 Creeping Death (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 03 Fade To Black (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 04 Guitar Solo (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 05 Battery (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 06 Encore Jam #2 (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 07 Last Caress (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 08 Am I Evil? (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 09 Whiplash (live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, England - October 10th, 1988)

  • 10 Eye Of The Beholder (radio Edit)

  • 11 One (radio Edit)

  • 12 '...and Justice For All (radio Edit)

  • 01 Blackened (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 02 For Whom The Bell Tolls (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 03 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 04 Leper Messiah (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 05 Harvester Of Sorrow (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 06 Eye Of The Beholder (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 07 Bass Solo (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 08 Master Of Puppets (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 09 One (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 10 Seek & Destroy (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 01 '...and Justice For All (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 02 Encore Jam (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 03 Creeping Death (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 04 Fade To Death (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 05 Guitar Solo (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 06 Battery Solo (live At Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, Ca - December 7th, 1988)

  • 07 Last Caress (live At Uic Pavilion, Chicago Il - November 17th, 1988)

  • 08 Am I Evil? (live At Uic Pavilion, Chicago Il - November 17th, 1988)

  • 09 Whiplash (live At Uic Pavilion, Chicago Il - November 17th, 1988)

  • 01 '2 Of One Introduction With Lars

  • 02 One

  • 03 One (jammin' Version)

  • 04 One (live At The 31st Annual Grammy® Awards)

  • 05 Intro

  • 06 Band

  • 07 Lars

  • 08 Kirk

  • 09 James

  • 10 Jason

  • 11 More Band

  • 12 Irvine (night #3)

  • 01 The Ecstasy Of Gold (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 02 Blackened (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 03 For Whom The Bell Tolls (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 04 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 05 Harvester Of Sorrow (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 06 The Four Horsemen (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 07 The Thing That Should Not Be (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 19

  • 08 Bass Solo (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 09 Master Of Puppets (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 10 Fade To Black (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 11 Seek & Destroy (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 12 And Justice For All (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 13 One (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 14 Creeping Death (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 15 Guitar Solo (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 16 Battery (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 17 Encore Jam (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 18 Last Caress (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 19 Am I Evil? (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 20 Damage, Inc. (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 21 Blitzkrieg (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 22 Breadfan (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 23 Credits (live At Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, Ca - September 15th, 1989)

  • 01 Backstage Shit (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 02 The Ecstasy Of Gold (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 03 Creeping Death (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 04 For Whom The Bell Tolls (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 05 Welcome Home (sanitarium) (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 06 The Four Horsemen (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 07 Harvester Of Sorrow (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 08 Phantom Lord (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 09 Bass Solo (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 10 Master Of Puppets (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 11 Fade To Black (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 12 No Remorse (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 13 Seek & Destroy (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 14 Last Caress (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 15 Am I Evil? (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 16 Motorbreath (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 17 Hit The Lights (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 18 Blitzkrieg (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 19 Damage, Inc. (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 20 Breadfan (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 21 Credits (live At The Stone Balloon, Newark, De - August 7th, 1989)

  • 01 Intro

  • 02 The Road Crew

  • 03 The Fans

  • 04 The Band

  • 05 The Video

  • 06 Credits

  • 07 Lars

  • 08 James

  • 09 Jason

  • 10 Kirk

  • 11 Whiplash

  • 12 Fade To Black

  • 13 Seek & Destroy

  • 14 Master Of Puppets

  • 15 One

  • 16 Master Of Puppets

  • 17 One

  • 18 Seek & Destroy

  • 19 Credits

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  •  택배사 : CJ대한통운 (상황에 따라 배송 업체는 변경 될 수 있습니다.)
  •  배송비 : 무료배송 (도서산간 : 5,000원 제주지역 : 3,000원 추가 배송비 발생)
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  •  중고상품의 경우 출고 완료일로부터 6일 이내의 상품 (구매확정 전 상태)
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반품/교환 비용
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소비자 피해보상
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