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Developing And Administering A Child Care And Education Program, 8/E (IE)

Developing And Administering A Child Care And Education Program, 8/E (IE)

[ Paperback, 8th International Edition ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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구매 시 참고사항


발행일 2012년 04월 02일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 250쪽 | 189*246*20mm
ISBN13 9781133491491
ISBN10 1133491499

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : Anne G. Dorsey
Anne G. Dorsey began her ECE career working in the Child Life Department at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Three sons later, she taught both preschool and college courses while attending graduate school. Locally, Professor Dorsey has served on the Committee of Management of YMCA Child Development and continues to serve on the UC Early Learning Center Board, the Promoting Resilient Children Advisory Board, and the SPARK Advisory Board of the Children's Home. She has been a member of the NAEYC Ethics Panel, the NAEYC Professional Practice Panel and the OAEYC Board. Professor Dorsey has visited many colleges and universities as a member of the NCATE Board of Examiners. As a strong supporter of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, she has been secretary, program chair, president, and editor of the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education in its very early format, and served as president of the NAECTE Foundation. She received the OAEYC Teacher Education Award and the NAECTE Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award.
저자 : Ellen M. Lynch
Ellen M. Lynch is associate professor of early childhood education at the University of Cincinnati. Her doctorate is in special education with a focus on early childhood special education. She has been active in local and state early childhood organizations, including the Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children (OAEYC), for which she served as chair of the Children with Special Needs Committee; the state Board of Directors; and the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Additionally, she served as president of the Ohio Coalition of Associate Degree Early Childhood Programs. Dr. Lynch's current scholarly interests include engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and exploring the use of technology to support learning among preservice teachers. She is both an editor and reviewer for several problem-based learning journals. She has presented widely at local, state, national, and international levels on a variety of aspects of teaching young children, teacher education and best practices for teaching in higher education.
저자 : Shauna M. Adams
Shauna M. Adams is an associate professor of early childhood at the University of Dayton where she also serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Early Learning. Dr. Adams has taught graduate and undergraduate students in such courses as child development, preschool methods, primary methods and early childhood advocacy, research and leadership. In her role as the Director of the Center for Early Learning, Dr. Adams promotes opportunities for the Bombeck Family Learning Center to serve pre-service and in-service early childhood professionals as a demonstration school and forum for professional development. She also advocates for children and families by serving on local and state committees that support quality early care and education and serves the University's mission by providing support to Catholic Early Childhood programming. After teaching special education in public schools for 10 years, Dr. Adams became a school psychologist, working with children in preschool and the primary grades. She earned her doctorate in Early Childhood and Special Education from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Adams became immersed in early care and education through her work with the Bombeck Family Learning Center and has established partnerships with Head Start, Public School Preschool, Early Care and Education, and a variety of agencies that support young children and families. Additionally, Dr. Adams worked with community partners to develop the University of Dayton's online Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy programs which were designed to address the need for leadership in early childhood while also supporting the early childhood career lattice. She is also the lead author of the ACCESS Curriculum Framework and has produced a number of articles, conducted presentations, developed websites and pursued other outlets to share this framework with the field of early care and education.
저자 : Dorothy June Sciarra
Dorothy June Sciarra continues to be an active early childhood educator in a diverse variety of situations. She has served as director of the child development laboratory center at the University of Cincinnati, serving children and families from a wide range of backgrounds. Dr. Sciarra served as department head with responsibility for early childhood associate, bachelor's and master's degree programs. Currently she is involved in several community early childhood efforts including board membership on the University of Cincinnati Early Learning Center. She is active in 4C, A National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, and has participated on many of its Agency training committees. Dr. Sciarra is a recipient of the 4C early childhood award and was the first recipient of the Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children's Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award. In 2007, 4C again recognized Dr. Sciarra's work by naming the 4C library in her honor. June Sciarra has mentored many early childhood educators, including coauthor, Anne Dorsey. Together they also wrote Leaders and Supervisors in Child Care Programs published by Thomson Delmar Learning. In 2010, Dr. Sciarra and Professor Dorsey were honored with the United Way Impact Award for their work in promoting appropriate early childhood education.

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