
사이즈 비교
Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 7/E (IE)

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 7/E (IE)

[ Paperback, 7th International Edition ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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발행일 2012년 01월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 992쪽 | 216*276*40mm
ISBN13 9781292022239
ISBN10 129202223X

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : David S. Ballantine
John McMurry, educated at Harvard and Columbia, has taught approximately 17,000 students in general and organic chemistry over a 30-year period. A Professor of Chemistry at Cornell University since 1980, Dr. McMurry previously spent 13 years on the faculty at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He has received numerous awards, including the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1969-71), the National Institute of Health Career Development Award (1975-80), the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (1986-87), and the Max Planck Research Award (1991). David S. Ballantine received his B.S. in Chemistry in 1977 from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA, and his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1983 from the University of Maryland at College Park. After several years as a researcher at the Naval Research Labs in Washington, DC, he joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Northern Illinois University, where he has been a professor since 1989. He was awarded the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award in 1998 and has been departmental Director of Undergraduate Studies since 2008. In addition, he is the coordinator for the Introductory and General Chemistry programs, and is responsible for supervision of the laboratory teaching assistants. Carl A. Hoeger received his B.S. in Chemistry from San Diego State University and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1983. After a postdoctoral stint at the University of California, Riverside, he joined the Peptide Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute in 1985 where he ran the NIH Peptide Facility while doing basic research in the development of peptide agonists and antagonists. During this time he also taught general, organic, and biochemistry at San Diego City College, Palomar College, and Miramar College. He joined the teaching faculty at University of California, San Diego in 1998. Dr. Hoeger has been teaching chemistry to undergraduates for over 20 years, where he continues to explore the use of technology in the classroom; his current project involves the use of video podcasts as adjuncts to live lectures. In 2004 he won the Paul and Barbara Saltman Distinguished Teaching Award from UCSD. He is deeply involved with the General Chemistry program at UCSD, and also shares partial responsibility for the training and guidance of teaching assistants in the Chemistry and Biochemistry departments. Virginia E. Peterson received her B.S. in Chemistry in 1967 from the University of Washington in Seattle, and her Ph.D. in Biochemistry in 1980 from the University of Maryland at College Park. Between her undergraduate and graduate years she worked in lipid, diabetes, and heart disease research at Stanford University. Following her Ph.D. she took a position in the Biochemistry Department at the University of Missouri in Columbia and is now Professor Emerita. When she retired in2011 she had been the Director of Undergraduate Advising for the department for 8 years and had taught both senior capstone classes and biochemistry classes for nonscience majors. Although retired Dr. Peterson continues to advise undergraduates and teach classes. Awards include both the college level and the university-wide Excellence in Teaching Award and, in 2006, the University's Outstanding Advisor Award and the State of Missouri Outstanding University Advisor Award. Dr. Peterson believes in public service and in 2003 received the Silver Beaver Award for service from the Boy Scouts of America.

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