발행일 | 2017년 12월 14일 |
이용안내 ? |
지원기기 | 크레마,PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원),아이폰,아이패드,안드로이드폰,안드로이드패드,전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가),PC(Mac) |
파일/용량 | EPUB(DRM) | 2.48MB ? |
ISBN13 | 9781473667105 |
발행일 | 2017년 12월 14일 |
이용안내 ? |
지원기기 | 크레마,PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원),아이폰,아이패드,안드로이드폰,안드로이드패드,전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가),PC(Mac) |
파일/용량 | EPUB(DRM) | 2.48MB ? |
ISBN13 | 9781473667105 |
Timothy Keller was born in Pennsylvania and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary. He became a Christian at university, was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in America and worked as a pastor for nine years.
He was asked to start Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan in 1989, and under his leadership the church`s congregation experienced unprecedented growth from 50 to 5000 members. His target audience consists mainly of urban professionals, whom he believes exhibit disproportionate influence over the culture and its ideas.
The `Influentials` Issue of New York Magazine featured Dr. Keller as "the most successful Christian evangelist in the city by recognizing that young professionals and artists are `disproportionately influential` in creating the country`s culture and that you have to meet this coveted demographic on its own terms."
Timothy Keller is renowned for his clear, reasoned approach to Christian apologetics and his book THE REASON FOR GOD: BELIEF IN AN AGE OF SKEPTICISM was named Book of the Year for 2008 by World Magazine.
Timothy Keller lives in New York City with his wife Kathy and sons David, Michael and Jonathan.
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