
행진곡의 모든 것 (100 Famous Marches) (5CD Box-Set) - United States Military Bands

행진곡의 모든 것 (100 Famous Marches) (5CD Box-Set) - United States Military Bands

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구매 시 참고사항
  • 제조국 독일


발매일 2012년 11월 12일
시간/무게/크기 크기확인중

디스크 디스크 보이기/감추기

  • 01 Einzug der Gladiatoren (The Entry of the Gladiators), Op. 68, "Triumph March"; President's Own United States Marine Band 2:38

  • 02 March of the Steelmen; President's Own United States Marine Band 2:55

  • 03 The Purple Carnival; United States Army Band 3:32

  • 04 March Grandioso; United States Navy Band 2:44

  • 05 March in F major, WoO 18, "Fur die bohmische Landwehr"; President's Own United States Marine Band, The 2:45

  • 06 Colonel Bogey; United States Navy Band 3:54

  • 07 The Fairest of the Fair; United States Navy Band 3:41

  • 08 Colossus of Columbia; United States Air Force Band 2:29

  • 09 Washington Grays; United States Air Force Band 3:53

  • 10 Emblem of Unity; United States Coast Guard Band 3:37

  • 11 The Invincible Eagle; United States Coast Guard Band 3:34

  • 12 In Storm and Sunshine; United States Navy Band 3:03

  • 13 National Emblem; United States Army Band 3:03

  • 14 Americans We; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band 2:49

  • 15 Purple pageant; President's Own United States Marine Band 3:21

  • 16 Independentia March; United States Coast Guard Band 3:28

  • 17 Proud Spirit March 129th; Army Band 3:32

  • 18 President Garfield's Inauguration March; President's Own United States Marine Band 6:15

  • 19 Amparito Roca (arr. for wind band); United States Air Force Band of the Rockies 2:32

  • 20 Chimes of Liberty; United States Army Band 3:32

  • 01 Joyce's 71st New York Regiment; United States Military Academy Band 2:06

  • 02 The White Rose; President's Own United States Marine Band, The 3:31

  • 03 The Boys of the Old Brigade; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band 2:25

  • 04 Suite No. 1 in E flat major, Op. 28, No. 1: III. March; United States Air Force Academy Band 2:55

  • 05 Rolling Thunder March; President's Own United States Marine Band, The 2:07

  • 06 Unsere Marine; President's Own United States Marine Band, The 2:23

  • 07 On the Mall; United States Army Field Band 3:17

  • 08 British Legion; United States Navy Band 2:01

  • 09 Chicago Tribune; United States Military Academy Band 3:51

  • 10 Babes in Toyland: March of the Toys (arr. R. Cray); United States Air Force Band 3:56

  • 11 The Dam Busters (arr. for wind ensemble); United States Air Force Band Of The Golden West 3:41

  • 12 Tenth Regiment March, "Death or Glory"; United States Navy Band 2:11

  • 13 The Washington Post March; President's Own United States Marine Band 2:36

  • 14 The NC-4; United States Coast Guard Band 2:37

  • 15 Commando March; United States Army Band 3:20

  • 16 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite; United States Army Band 2:27

  • 17 French National Defile March (arr. J.S. Seredy); United States Military Academy Band 4:26

  • 18 H.M. Jollies; President's Own United States Marine Band, The 2:38

  • 19 Semper Fidelis; President's Own United States Marine Band 2:50

  • 20 March of the Belgian Parachutists; President's Own United States Marine Band 4:24

  • 01 Bravura; United States Coast Guard Band 3:00

  • 02 Alte Kameraden (Old Comrades); President's Own United States Marine Band 4:43

  • 03 Onward Upward; United States Army Field Band 2:40

  • 04 T.M.B. (Thayer Military Band); United States Armed Forces Bicentennial Band 2:32

  • 05 Royal Air Force March Past; United States Air Forces in Europe Band 3:33

  • 06 The Liberty Bell; United States Coast Guard Band 3:45

  • 07 The Invercargill March; United States Air Force Concert Band 3:45

  • 08 The Army Goes Rolling Along; United States Army Band 1:09

  • 09 The Southerner; President's Own United States Marine Band, The 2:37

  • 10 Second Regiment Connecticut; President's Own United States Marine Band 2:29

  • 11 Repasz Band; United States Air Force Tactical Air Command Band 3:26

  • 12 Coat of Arms; United States Air Force Band 4:08

  • 13 5 Military Marches, Op. 39, "Pomp and Circumstance": No. 1 in D major; United States Army Concert Band 6:37

  • 14 Bluejackets on Parade; United States Military Academy Band 2:42

  • 15 St. Julian; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies 2:29

  • 16 The High School Cadets President's Own; United States Marine Band 2:38

  • 17 Billboard March (arr. L.J. Buckley); United States Coast Guard Band 2:22

  • 18 Father of Victory President's Own; United States Marine Band 5:26

  • 19 The Klaxon President's Own; United States Marine Band 3:03

  • 20 Strike up the Band; United States Continental Army Band 3:28

  • 01 L'inglesina; President's Own United States Marine Band 4:45

  • 02 Up the Street; President's Own United States Marine Band 2:12

  • 03 Smilin' Jack; United States Air Force Band 3:26

  • 04 Anchors Aweigh (arr. W.J. Dunn); United States Navy Band 2:45

  • 05 Radetzky-Marsch, Op. 228 President's Own; United States Marine Band 2:30

  • 06 Les patineurs: I. Allegro moderato e pesante, un poco piu mosso (arr. for wind ensemble); National Concert Band of America 3:39

  • 07 Barnum; United States Air Force Air Mobility Command Band of the Golden West 2:20

  • 08 The Melody Shop; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies 2:05

  • 09 The Footlifter; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies 3:07

  • 10 El capitan (version for wind ensemble): El Capitan (version for wind ensemble); United States Coast Guard Band, The 2:23

  • 11 Official West Point March; United States Military Academy Band 3:50

  • 12 In treue fest (Faithful and Steadfast); National Concert Band of America 4:07

  • 13 Victory at Sea: Guadalcanal march (arr. R.R. Russell); United States Air Force Heritage of America Band 2:29

  • 14 Hands Across the Sea President's Own; United States Marine Band, The 3:07

  • 15 The Screamer; Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band 2:06

  • 16 Florentiner-Marsch, Op. 214; United States Navy Band 5:50

  • 17 Semper Paratus (Always Ready); United States Coast Guard Band 1:49

  • 18 Salutation; United States Military Academy Band 1:59

  • 19 The U.S. Air Force, "Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder"; United States Air Force Reserve Band 1:12

  • 20 Eagle Squadron; United States Air Forces in Europe Band 3:42

  • 01 Valdres Marsj (Valdres March); President's Own United States Marine Band 3:42

  • 02 Officer's Center - Officer of the Day March; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band 2:15

  • 03 The Gallant Seventh; United States Army Field Band 3:12

  • 04 National Spirit March; United States Army Band 3:06

  • 05 Viscount Nelson; National Concert Band of America 2:44

  • 06 E Pluribus Unum; United States Air Force Tactical Air Command Band 3:22

  • 07 Men of Ohio; United States Air Force Concert Band 2:24

  • 08 A Warrior Bold; United States Air Force Band 2:47

  • 09 Bombasto; United States Air Force Band of the Rockies 2:34

  • 10 Crown Imperial; President's Own United States Marine Band 8:28

  • 11 The Marines' Hymn; President's Own United States Marine Band 0:55

  • 12 The Thunderer; United States Coast Guard Band 2:49

  • 13 The Music Man: Seventy-Six Trombones (arr. F. Werle); United States Air Force Singing Sergeants 5:50

  • 14 Unter dem Doppeladler (Under The Double Eagle), Op. 159; United States Navy Band 2:41

  • 15 The Big Cage; Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band 1:28

  • 16 Brooke's Chicago Marine Band; United States Air Force Band 3:00

  • 17 On the Campus; United States Air Force Band 2:37

  • 18 Gladiator's Farewell; National Concert Band of America 3:26

  • 19 American Patrol; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band 4:18

  • 20 The Stars and Stripes Forever; President's Own United States Marine Band 3:35

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  •  배송비 : 무료배송 (도서산간 : 5,000원 제주지역 : 3,000원 추가 배송비 발생)
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반품/교환 방법
  •  고객만족센터(1544-3800), 중고샵(1566-4295)
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반품/교환 가능기간
  •  출고 완료 후 10일 이내의 주문 상품
  •  디지털 콘텐츠인 eBook의 경우 구매 후 7일 이내의 상품
  •  중고상품의 경우 출고 완료일로부터 6일 이내의 상품 (구매확정 전 상태)
  •  모바일 쿠폰의 경우 유효기간(발행 후 1년) 내 등록하지 않은 상품
반품/교환 비용
  •  고객의 단순변심 및 착오구매일 경우 상품 반송비용은 고객 부담임
  •  직수입양서/직수입일서중 일부는 변심 또는 착오로 취소시 해외주문취소수수료 20%를 부과할수 있음

    단, 아래의 주문/취소 조건인 경우, 취소 수수료 면제

    •  오늘 00시 ~ 06시 30분 주문을 오늘 오전 06시 30분 이전에 취소
    •  오늘 06시 30분 이후 주문을 익일 오전 06시 30분 이전에 취소
  •  직수입 음반/영상물/기프트 중 일부는 변심 또는 착오로 취소 시 해외주문취소수수료 30%를 부과할 수 있음

    단, 당일 00시~13시 사이의 주문은 취소 수수료 면제

  •  박스 포장은 택배 배송이 가능한 규격과 무게를 준수하며, 고객의 단순변심 및 착오구매일 경우 상품의 반송비용은 박스 당 부과됩니다.
반품/교환 불가사유
  •  소비자의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 손실 또는 훼손된 경우
  •  소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 : 예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품, 전자책 단말기 등
  •  복제가 가능한 상품 등의 포장을 훼손한 경우 : 예) CD/LP, DVD/Blu-ray, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
  •  소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우
  •  디지털 컨텐츠인 eBook, 오디오북 등을 1회 이상 다운로드를 받았을 경우
  •  eBook 대여 상품은 대여 기간이 종료 되거나, 2회 이상 대여 했을 경우 취소 불가
  •  모바일 쿠폰 등록 후 취소/환불 불가
  •  중고상품이 구매확정(자동 구매확정은 출고완료일로부터 7일)된 경우
  •  LP상품의 재생 불량 원인이 기기의 사양 및 문제인 경우 (All-in-One 일체형 일부 보급형 오디오 모델 사용 등)
  •  시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
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