발행일 | 2012년 05월 10일 |
이용안내 ? |
지원기기 | 크레마,PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원),아이폰,아이패드,안드로이드폰,안드로이드패드,전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가),PC(Mac) |
파일/용량 | EPUB(DRM) | 0.00MB ? |
ISBN13 | 9780230766112 |
발행일 | 2012년 05월 10일 |
이용안내 ? |
지원기기 | 크레마,PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원),아이폰,아이패드,안드로이드폰,안드로이드패드,전자책단말기(저사양 기기 사용 불가),PC(Mac) |
파일/용량 | EPUB(DRM) | 0.00MB ? |
ISBN13 | 9780230766112 |
Roman Krznaric is an author, cultural thinker and founding faculty member of The School of Life, where he teaches courses about work. He has been named by the Observer as one of Britain’s leading lifestyle thinkers, and advises organisations including Oxfam and the United Nations on using empathy and conversation to create social change. For more, see www.romankrznaric.com
The School of Life is a London-based enterprise that is dedicated to the most useful ideas relevant to the dilemmas of everyday life. We consider questions like: How can we fulfil our potential? Can work be inspiring? Why does community matter? Can relationships last a lifetime? We don’t have all the answers, but we will direct you towards a variety of useful ideas ? from philosophy to literature, psychology to the visual arts ? that are guaranteed to stimulate, provoke, nourish and console.
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