
Framing North Korea

Framing North Korea

: How do American and South Korean newspapers frame North Korea?

최상 새 상품에 가까운 상품
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  •  한정판매의 특성상 재고 상황에 따라 품절 가능


발행일 2009년 08월 12일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 216쪽 | 361g | 153*224*20mm
ISBN13 9788964060032
ISBN10 8964060032

중고도서 소개

최상 새 상품에 가까운 상품
  •  판매자 :   stayy5   평점4점
  •  How do American and South Korean newspapers frame North Korea?
  •  특이사항 : 언론정보학

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 최진봉 Jinbong Choi, PhD
He is a professor in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the Texas State University, San Marcos and author of five books: Media, Culture and Korea (2007); Reading Media (1998); Event PD Guide (1998); Modern Society and Korean Mass Media (1997); and Understanding Christian Communication (1996). His main research interests are international news coverage, new media, relationship between mass media and powerful ideological institutions, media framing. He was awarded a PhD from the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA. He taught at the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota State University, Mankato and the Bemidji State University.

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

The problem this book addresses is people’s lack of understanding about media framing of controversial issues or objects related to North Korea. The goal of the book is to obtain a better understanding of the news media’s influence on the construction of reality regarding North Korea. In other words, this book examines how news stories and presidential rhetoric frame and shape North Korea’s national image. This book also helps to reveal differences and similarities in patterns, structures, strategies, and characteristicsof media framing between different newspapers.

This book aims to examine media coverage of North Korea between 2001 and 2003, looking at the frames used by four newspapers, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Chosun IlboHankyoreh Sinmon. This book also analyzes President George W. Bush’s 2002 State of the Union Address and the respective responses from the four newspapers. Consequently, this book analyzes how framing is used by Bush and the international newspapers through examining newspaper coverage and presidential rhetoric in texts about North Korea.

- How do American newspapers frame North Korea?
- How do South Korean newspapers frame North Korea?
- How did President Bush frame the North Korean national image?
- How did the American and South Korean major newspapers represent president Bush’s framing of North Korea?
--- 'Book Description' 중에서

출판사 리뷰 출판사 리뷰 보이기/감추기

추천평 추천평 보이기/감추기

Dr. Jinbong Choi’s book is both timely and significant for its analysis of news frames used to organize reports on nuclear weapons in North Korea after President George W. Bush’s inclusion of North Korea as one of the so-called “axis of evil” countries. Not only is this an important subject given the importance of the Korean Peninsula to current foreign policy concerns, it expands what is known about the dominant news frames used specifically by U.S. and Korean papers to report on and situate ideologically the narratives used to construct an issue of great global importance. Ultimately, this book reveals how influential news media set the public agenda on foreign policy. Now that North Korea possesses and has tested a nuclear weapon, the news media’s interpretations and framing of this issue will be crucial to examine for the manner by which they guide news consumers’views and influence the public’s orientation toward North Korea.

Dr. Mary Douglas Vavrus (Director of Graduate Studies Department of Communication Studies University of Minnesota)
Dr. Jinbong Choi does an admirable job of applying framing theory to a content analysis of newspaper coverage of North Korea.found that U.S. and South Korean newspapers frame coverage ofNorth Korea quite differently. U.S. newspapers portray the country usingimages and frames, while South Korean newspapers applied neutral or even positive frames.His study is a useful reminder that news media are influenced by the political and cultural structures of society and the audiences they serve. News frames reflect those influences and news coverage.
Dr. Bruce L. Smith(Director of School of Journalism & Mass Communication Texas State University, San Marcos)


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