
헨델 : 유다스 마케베우스 (Handel : Judas Maccabaeus) (2CD) - Emma Kirkby

헨델 : 유다스 마케베우스 (Handel : Judas Maccabaeus) (2CD) - Emma Kirkby

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발매일 1994년 07월 01일
시간/무게/크기 크기확인중

음반소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

디스크 디스크 보이기/감추기

  • 01 (Ouvertüre)

  • 02 Mourn, ye afflicted children (Chor) (1. Akt)

  • 03 Well, may your sorrows (Rezitativ)

  • 04 From this dread scene (Duett)

  • 05 For Sion lamentation make (Chor)

  • 06 Not vain is all this storm of grief (Rezitativ)

  • 07 Pious orgies, piours airs (Arie)

  • 08 Oh Father, whose almighty pow'r (Chor)

  • 09 I feel, I feel the Deity within (Rezitativ)

  • 10 Arm, arm, ye brave! (Arie) / We come in bright array (Chor)

  • 11 'Tis well, my friends (Rezitativ)

  • 12 Call forth thy pow'rs (Arie)

  • 13 To Heav'ns almighty King we kneel (Rezitativ)

  • 14 Oh liberty, thou choicest treasure (Arie)

  • 15 Come, ever-smiling liberty (Arie)

  • 16 Oh Judas, may these noble views inspire (Rezitativ)

  • 17 'Tis liberty, dear liberty alone (Arie)

  • 18 Come, ever-smiling liberty (Duett)

  • 19 Lead on, lead on! (Chor)

  • 20 So will'd my father, now at rest (Rezitativ)

  • 21 Disdainful of danger, we'll rush on the foe (Halbchor)

  • 22 Ambition! If e'er honour was thine aim (Rezitativ)

  • 23 No unhallow'd desire (Arie)

  • 24 Haste we, my brethren, haste we to the field (Rezitativ)

  • 25 Hear us, oh Lord, on Thee we call (Chor)

  • 26 Fall'n is the foe (Chor) (2. Akt)

  • 27 Victorious hero! Fame shall tell (Rezitativ)

  • 28 So rapid thy course is (Arie)

  • 29 Well may we hope our freedom to receive (Rezitativ)

  • 30 Sion now her head shall raise (Duett)

  • 31 Oh let eternal honours crown his name (Rezitativ)

  • 32 From mighty kings he took the spoil (Arie)

  • 01 Hail, hail, Judea. Happy land! (Duett)

  • 02 Thanks to my brethren (Rezitativ)

  • 03 How vain is man (Arie)

  • 04 Oh Judas, oh my brethren (Rezitativ)

  • 05 Ah! wretched, wretched Israel! (Arie)

  • 06 Be comforted, not think these plagues are sent for your destruction (Rezitativ)

  • 07 The Lord worketh wonders (Arie)

  • 08 My arms! Against this Gorgias I will go (Rezitativ)

  • 09 Sound an alarm! Your silver trumpets sound (Arie) / We hear the pleasing dreadfull call (Chor)

  • 10 Enough! To Heav'n we leave the rest (Rezitativ)

  • 11 With pious hearts (Arie)

  • 12 Ye worshippers of God (Rezitativ)

  • 13 Wise men, flatt'ring, may deceive us (Arie)

  • 14 Oh! never, never bow we down (Duett)

  • 15 Father of Heav'n! From thy eternal throne (Arie) (3. Akt)

  • 16 See, see yon flames (Rezitativ)

  • 17 So shall the lute and harp awake (Arie)

  • 18 From Capharsalama on eagle wings I fly (Rezitativ)

  • 19 See, the conqu'ring hero comes! (Chor) / See the godlike youth advance! (Chor)

  • 20 (Marsch)

  • 21 Sing unto God (Chor)

  • 22 Sweet flow the strains that strike my feasted ear (Rezitativ)

  • 23 With honour let desert be crown'd (Arie)

  • 24 Peace to my countrymen (Rezitativ)

  • 25 To our great God be all the honour giv'n (Chor)

  • 26 Again to earth let gratitude descend (Rezitativ)

  • 27 Oh lovely peace, with plenty crown'd (Arie)

  • 28 Rejoice, oh Judah! (Arie) / Hallelujah! Amen. (Chor)

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