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  1. 1
    [외서] Cosmos [ Paperback ]
    칼 에드워드 세이건 Ballantine Books
    41% 14,500
    리뷰 총점 9.6 회원리뷰(91)
    Cosmos 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  2. 2
    First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2025, 35/E (IE)
    [외서] First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2025, 35/E (IE) [ Paperback, 35th Edition, International Edition ]
    Tao Le, Vikas Bhushan, Connie Qiu, Anup Chalise, Panagiotis Kaparaliotis McGraw-Hill
    8% 89,240
    Paperback, 35th Edition, International Edition
    First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2025, 35/E (IE) 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  3. 3
    Jurassic Park
    [외서] Jurassic Park [ Mass Market Paperback ]
    Crichton, Michael Ballantine Books
    20% 12,320 포인트적립620원
    리뷰 총점 9.6 회원리뷰(5)
    Mass Market Paperback
    Jurassic Park 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  4. 4
    Fighting Words : 2021 뉴베리 아너 수상작
    [외서] Fighting Words : 2021 뉴베리 아너 수상작 [ Paperback ]
    킴벌리 브루베이커 브래들리 Dial Books
    35% 7,540 포인트적립80원
    리뷰 총점 9.5 회원리뷰(4)
    Fighting Words : 2021 뉴베리 아너 수상작 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  5. 5
    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    [외서] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [ Mass Market Paperback ]
    더글러스 애덤스 Del Rey Books
    35% 7,540 포인트적립80원
    리뷰 총점 8.7 회원리뷰(7)
    Mass Market Paperback
    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  6. 6
    Marino's The ICU Book, 5/E (IE) (Ebook Code 제공)
    [외서] Marino's The ICU Book, 5/E (IE) (Ebook Code 제공) [ Paperback, 5th Edition, International Edition ]
    Marino, Paul L, MD, PhD Wolters Kluwer Health
    155,000 포인트적립3,100원
    Paperback, 5th Edition, International Edition
    Marino's The ICU Book, 5/E (IE) (Ebook Code 제공) 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  7. 7
    BOC Study Guide MLS-MLT Clinical Laboratory Examinations
    [외서] BOC Study Guide MLS-MLT Clinical Laboratory Examinations [ Paperback, 7th Edition ]
    ASCP Editorial Board American Society of Clinical Pathologists Press
    165,000 포인트적립3,300원
    Paperback, 7th Edition
    BOC Study Guide MLS-MLT Clinical Laboratory Examinations 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  8. 8
    IE Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition Vol 1 & 2 (SET)
    [외서] IE Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition Vol 1 & 2 (SET) [ Hardcover, 21st Edition ]
    Loscalzo McGraw-Hill Education
    15% 255,000 포인트적립12,750원
    Hardcover, 21st Edition
    IE Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition Vol 1 & 2 (SET) 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  9. 9
    CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2025,64/E IE
    [외서] CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2025,64/E IE [ Paperback, 64th Edition, International Edition ]
    Papadakis, Maxine A. / Rabow, Michael W. / McQuaid, Kenneth R. McGraw Hill / Medical
    140,000 포인트적립2,800원
    Paperback, 64th Edition, International Edition
    CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2025,64/E IE 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  10. 10
    Flexible and Wearable Sensors
    [직수입양서] Flexible and Wearable Sensors [ Paperback, 1st Edition ]
    Ram K. Gupt CRC Press
    10% 94,150 포인트적립4,710원
    Paperback, 1st Edition
    Flexible and Wearable Sensors 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  11. 11
    Pediatric Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide
    [직수입양서] Pediatric Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide [ Hardcover ]
    Radovick, Sally / Misra, Madhusmita Springer
    10% 295,630 포인트적립14,790원
    Pediatric Endocrinology: A Practical Clinical Guide 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  12. 12
    Sequences: Colorcards: 4-Step
    [직수입양서] Sequences: Colorcards: 4-Step [ Cards, 2nd Edition, Illustrations, Color ]
    Speechmark Routledge
    10% 68,230 포인트적립3,420원
    Cards, 2nd Edition, Illustrations, Color
    Sequences: Colorcards: 4-Step 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  13. 13
    The Washington Manual of Critical Care
    [외서] The Washington Manual of Critical Care [ Paperback ]
    Kollef, Marin LWW
    120,000 포인트적립2,400원
    The Washington Manual of Critical Care 이동
  14. 14
    Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set, 22/E
    [외서] Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set, 22/E [ Hardcover, 22nd Edition ]
    Robert M. Kliegman Elsevier
    260,000 포인트적립7,800원
    Hardcover, 22nd Edition
    Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set, 22/E 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  15. 15
    Mosaicism in Human Skin
    [직수입양서] Mosaicism in Human Skin [ Perfect,eng, POD 주문제작도서 ]
    Rudolf Happle Springer Nature B.V.
    72,980 포인트적립2,190원
    Perfect,eng, POD 주문제작도서
    Mosaicism in Human Skin 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  16. 16
    First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, 11/E (IE)
    [외서] First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, 11/E (IE) [ 11th International Edition ]
    Mona Ascha McGraw-Hill
    100,000 포인트적립2,000원
    11th International Edition
    First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, 11/E (IE) 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  17. 17
    Clinical Evidence Made Easy, Second Edition
    [직수입양서] Clinical Evidence Made Easy, Second Edition [ Paperback ]
    Harris, Michael / Taylor, Gordon / Jackson, Daniel Scion Publishing
    10% 56,640 포인트적립2,840원
    Clinical Evidence Made Easy, Second Edition 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  18. 18
    Red Book 2024: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases
    [외서] Red Book 2024: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases [ Paperback, 33rd Edition ]
    Kimberlin, David W. / Banerjee, Ritu / Barnett, Elizabeth American Academy of Pediatrics
    295,000 포인트적립5,900원
    Paperback, 33rd Edition
    Red Book 2024: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  19. 19
    Simply Nutrition
    [직수입양서] Simply Nutrition [ Hardback ]
    DK Dorling Kindersley Ltd
    18% 18,630 포인트적립940원
    Simply Nutrition 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  20. 20
    Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Seventeenth Edition
    [직수입양서] Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Seventeenth Edition [ Paperback ]
    Mescher, Anthony L. McGraw Hill / Medical
    10% 139,600 포인트적립6,980원
    Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Seventeenth Edition 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  21. 21
    Gordis Epidemiology, 7/E
    [외서] Gordis Epidemiology, 7/E [ Paperback, 7th Edition ]
    David D. Celentano, Moyses Szklo, Youssef Farag Elsevier
    75,000 포인트적립2,250원
    Paperback, 7th Edition
    Gordis Epidemiology, 7/E 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  22. 22
    Atlas of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
    [직수입양서] Atlas of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism [ Hardcover ]
    Camacho, Pauline CRC Press
    10% 296,880 포인트적립14,850원
    Atlas of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  23. 23
    Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook
    [직수입양서] Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook [ Hardcover ]
    Budde, James A. / McCluskey, Dawn M. Wiley-Blackwell
    18% 151,120 포인트적립7,560원
    Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  24. 24
    Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology
    [외서] Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology [ Hardcover, 7th Edition ]
    Johnson, Richard J. / Floege, Jurgen / Tonelli, Marcello Elsevier
    367,000 포인트적립7,340원
    Hardcover, 7th Edition
    Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
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