
  1. 1
    Strategic Advertising Management
    [외서] Strategic Advertising Management [ Paperback ]
    Percy, Larry / Rosenbaum-Elliott, Richard Oxford University Press, USA
    89,000 포인트적립1,780원
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  2. 2
    Selling the Wheel: Choosing the Best Way to Sell for You Your Company Your Customers
    [직수입양서] Selling the Wheel: Choosing the Best Way to Sell for You Your Company Your Customers [ Paperback ]
    제프 콕스 Touchstone Books
    18% 23,500 포인트적립1,180원
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    Selling the Wheel: Choosing the Best Way to Sell for You Your Company Your Customers 이동 상품버튼 보이기/닫기
  3. 3
    Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
    [직수입양서] Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind [ Paperback ]
    알 리스잭 트라우트 McGraw-Hill Companies
    18% 30,430 포인트적립1,530원
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