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: 10 building blocks of digital marketing

김홍탁 저 / 류승경 | 중앙m&b | 2015년 06월 01일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
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구매 시 참고사항
eBook이 출간되면 알려드립니다. eBook 출간 알림 신청


발행일 2015년 06월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 272쪽 | 498g | 147*220*20mm
ISBN13 9788964562161
ISBN10 896456216X

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 김홍탁 Thomas Hongtack Kim
Thomas Hongtack Kim is an award-winning creative director, author, translator, and speaker from South Korea. He has been responsible for increasing the brand value of Samsung Electronics and other South Korean brands, primarily through integrated campaigns targeting the global market and digital CSV (Creating Shared Value) projects.
Thomas joined Cheil Worldwide in 1995, where he served as Global Creative Director, Interactive Creative Director, and Executive Creative Director of its Creative Innovation Group. Currently, he is the CCO and Founder of The Playground, a consortium of 12 companies from various fields.

Among South Korea’s first creatives to venture into global advertising, Thomas won numerous accolades from the prestigious Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, London International Awards, One Show, D&AD, New York Festival and other major advertising festivals. As a result, he was named Creator of the Year by Campaign Asia Pacific in 2012 and was ranked in the Top 10 Executive Creative Directors (ECD) worldwide by the UK-based Directory Big Won in 2013, becoming the only Asian ECD to have made the list to date.
In the year 2012, he was invited to judge the Cannes Chimera, an initiative organized by the Cannes Lions and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He also spoke at the Cannes Lions, Anuncio@Madrid, Spikes Asia@Singapore, ROI@Shanghai, Google Taiwan,Yahoo Hong Kong, Blizzard, and more.

Thomas is the author of [Ads: the First Element of Pop Culture] and [When Advertising Meets Libido] and has translated [Shake That Brain] and [Advertising is Dead: Long Live Advertising!] into Korean. He has also been a contributor to major South Korean newspapers and magazines. He continues to collaborate with experts across disciplines for collective intelligence projects with the aim of driving change in the communication solutions of today’s new digital ecosystem.
역자 : 류승경 Sung Ryu
Sung Ryu is an English/Korean translator and former marketing professional. After earning her BBA at the University of Toronto(specialist program in Marketing) and working for 3 years in marketing and project management, Sung decided to pursue her love for words by becoming a professional translator. Currently, she is studying at the Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, while translating creative works on a freelance basis.

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

Marketers around the world no longer only think about what to say to customers but also how to engage them. They are especially interested in building a “playground” for consumers in a digital environment. A brand’s playground should fascinate consumers; they should be itching to try it out, like children waiting impatiently for breaktime. They should be the ones to seek out and experience the brand, and then share what they felt was valuable or interesting about it. Designing a playground where people meet, play with, and share the brand is the key to success in today’s marketing industry, in which mass media can no longer simply push information to consumers. Marketers now have a range of communication channels to reach customers, and customers come into more contact with the brand in various ways. Digital technology is the medium through which marketers can set up this playground and induce enthusiasm from customers.
--- 「01 Playground」중에서

It would not be an overstatement to say that the advent of YouTube in 2005 caused a swift paradigm shift in marketing. YouTube put an end to one-way communication. Rather than watching what was being pushed to us on TV, we could engage in two-way communication via YouTube. We could quite easily share our own videos with the world, and watch what other ordinary people had created beyond the constraints of time and space. The birth of a medium that encouraged participation and sharing virtually revamped our communication ecosystem.
Video is becoming the go-to medium for any type of resource. People turn to video, instead of image or text, to find out how to dribble a soccer ball, make an unusual dish, learn groovy dance moves, do difficult yoga poses, open a bag of chips with ease, or use certain functions on various smart devices. This is a culture forged by YouTube. Now, we can watch practically anything on YouTube. It’s not surprising to learn that every minute, a hundred hours’ worth of video is uploaded to YouTube.

--- 「05 YouTube Generation」중에서

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