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Introduction: The Four Horsemen of Siena 1
Part I Causes of Death 1. What is Death? 9 2. Observations Made Upon the Bills of Mortality 15 3. Live Long and Prosper 33 Part II Infectious Disease 4. The Black Death 53 5. The Milkmaid's Hand 77 6. Typhus and Typhoid in the Slums of Liverpool 89 7. The Blue Death 99 8. Childbirth 107 9. Deadly Animals 113 10. The Magic Bullet 129 Part III You Are What You Eat 11. Hansel and Gretel 137 12. A Treatise on the Scurvy 161 13. The Body of Venus 173 Part IV A Lethal Inheritance 14. Woody Guthrie and the Blonde Angel of Venezuela 187 15. Daughters of the King 201 16. The Brain of Auguste D 213 17. Death Before Birth 223 Part V Bad Behaviour 18. Thou Shalt Not Kill 235 19. Alcohol and Addiction 249 20. The Black, Stinking Fume 263 21. Unsafe at Any Speed 279 Conclusion: A Bright Future? 293 Appendix: Life Table Data 302 Acknowledgements 311 Notes 313 Image Credits 349 Index 351 |
역앤드루 도이그
관심작가 알림신청Andrew Doig
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