

South Korean Business Culture

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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발행일 2024년 04월 05일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 320쪽 | 396g | 140*210*17mm
ISBN13 9791170360841
ISBN10 117036084X

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 (1명)

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

“In the following pages, you will find a meticulous exam¬ination of South Korean business practices, the role of Confucianism, the influence of chaebols, and the significance of interpersonal relationships in the business world. We delve into case studies, crisis management strategies, and lessons learned from past economic downturns, all with the intention of provid¬ing a holistic understanding of South Korean Business Culture.

While this book endeavors to provide a comprehensive view, it is important to acknowledge that the landscape of South Korean business culture is ever-evolving. Thus, I encour¬age readers to use this book as a stepping stone for their own explorations and discoveries. South Korean Business Culture is a dynamic and complex subject that continues to evolve, adapt, and influence the global economy.

I hope that the insights and knowledge presented in these pages prove to be insightful, enlightening, and useful for any¬one seeking to engage in business endeavors within the South Korean context. Whether you are a business professional, a stu¬dent, an entrepreneur, or simply a curious reader, I trust that you will find this book to be a valuable resource.
It has been an incredible journey to put this book togeth¬er, and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to share it with you. I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported me in this endeavor, and I look forward to the impact and contributions this book may make to the world of business culture studies.”
--- p.15

“The foreign community in Korea is quite diverse but shares common features. One such characteristic is that the majority of these individuals, understandably, view themselves as temporary residents in Korea. They tend to remain isolated, socialize within their own circles, have limited contact with Korean society, and frequently lack even basic knowledge of the Korean language. Typically, they spend only a couple of years in Korea and then depart from the country permanently. The notion of immigrant communities does not hold true for Korea, with the exception of the local Chinese, although their numbers have been diminishing in recent years.”
--- p.75

“An additional culturally intrinsic element is “kun,” symbol¬izing inner strength and the ability to remain composed even in the most challenging situations. A leader who embodies “kun” signifies virtuous and dignified conduct. This attribute resonates deeply within Korean culture, as even Confucius remarked: “A noble husband always thinks about virtue. The commoner thinks about convenience.” A notable quality in leadership is “Jeongsin,” indicative of perseverance, mental fortitude, and an indomitable fighting spirit. It is worth noting that this attribute has played a pivotal role in Korea forging its unique identity, as exemplified by the international success of Korean pop music and drama.”
--- p.126

“Modern Korea is among the most successful economies in the world (GDP per capita in 2020 was more than $30,000), is a lead¬er in such areas as high-tech and shipbuilding, and is one of the leading Asian financial centers. The impressive rates of eco¬nomic growth, in my opinion, were due, among other things, to the peculiarities of the millennial Korean culture. Those who want to establish business relations with Korea should definitely take this into account.”
--- p.149

“South Korean business culture is distinguished by its har¬monious fusion of tradition and modernity. Despite the enthusi¬astic embrace of cutting-edge technology and innovation, the nation remains deeply anchored in its traditional values. The integration of “han” and “nunchi” with contemporary business practices represents a pivotal strategy for navigating the intricate landscape of South Korean business culture. Recognizing the significance of these cultural elements and their profound impact on decision-making, communication dynamics, and rela-tionship-building is paramount. The capacity to harmonize tra¬dition with modern strategies exemplifies the adaptability and resilience of businesses in South Korea, enabling them to thrive in this dynamic and ever-evolving marketplace.”
--- p.173

“South Korean businesses have not merely embraced the aforementioned strategies in isolation; they have harmonized them into a comprehensive and mutually reinforcing strategy for managing economic downturns. The fusion of these strate¬gic elements is founded on a bedrock of cultural resilience and adaptability. The result is a modus operandi that has proved to be exceptionally robust in enabling companies to confront and vanquish economic tribulations with striking aplomb.

The experiences of South Korean businesses serve as a wellspring of wisdom for enterprises worldwide. The complex and interconnected strategies underscore the power of adapt¬ability, resourcefulness, and strategic acumen in the face of eco¬nomic adversity. South Korean business culture, intricately woven with historical narratives and economic pragmatism, emerges as an indomitable model for confronting the tempestu¬ous tides of economic downturns. The enduring lessons of South Korea’s economic journey are invaluable for businesses navigating the treacherous terrain of economic downturns across the globe.”
--- p.241

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