


리뷰 총점10.0 리뷰 1건 | 판매지수 360
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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발행일 2024년 05월 30일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 112쪽 | 200*200*10mm
ISBN13 9791197937057
ISBN10 1197937056

카드 뉴스로 보는 책

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 (3명)

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기


B.BeamBop is a delightful dish made with rice, a variety of vegetables and a flavorful GoChewJang(red pepper paste). In this version, we’re focusing on the vegetable-centric variation and leaving out the meat, making it perfect for a plant-based meal. You can choose whatever vegetables you like to make it your own. If you prefer mild flavors, it’s still tasty without the GoChewJang.
--- p.18


In Korea, school picnics are like festivals where everyone enjoys KimBop. KimBop is like a Korean-style sandwich, substituting rice for bread and adding meat and a variety of vegetables instead of ham and lettuce. While it might look easy to make, perfecting KimBop really takes some skill, so don’t underestimate it. Each household puts its own spin on the ingredients, resulting in unique flavors. Here, I’ll share my mom’s recipe, which includes minced meat seasoned with a touch of sugar and soy sauce for a subtle BoolGoGee flavor.
--- p.20


GoMyung, or garnishes, are essential elements added to food to enhance its appearance, flavor and texture. They serve to make the dish visually appealing, highlight its colors and shapes and contribute to its overall taste. Common garnishes include mushrooms, beef, dried laver, green onions and eggs. Eggs prepared as garnishes are often referred to as “JiDan.”

Garnishes may also feature stir-fried minced beef or mushrooms seasoned with soy sauce, adding depth and richness to the dish. Korean egg JiDan involves separating egg whites and yolks and cooking them separately. Achieving thin, delicate egg sheets can be challenging, so a bit of starch powder is often added to firm them up.

These garnishes are typically prepared for special occasions and festive dishes, such as braised ribs, DuckKook and JopChay elevating the dining experience and adding a touch of elegance to the meal.
--- p.26

BeckPhan truly captures the heart of traditional Korean dining.a beautiful balance of rice and an assortment of side dishes. At the core of this culinary treasure, are rice and KimChi, those essential staples, surrounded by a vibrant mix of veggies, savory stir-fries and comforting soups. These diverse dishes blend flavors, textures and nutrients for a truly enriching meal experience. BaekPhan is more than just a meal; it’s a beloved tradition, a moment shared with loved ones, celebrating Korea’s rich and varied culinary history.

Here in Korea, the classic meal setup includes rice, soup and BonChon(avariety of side dishes). On my birthday, I treat myself to a nourishing bowl of seaweed soup packed with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Here’s a peek at my go-to dishes: along with aromatic rice and a hearty soup. I enjoy two types of veggies and some grilled fish. Adding to these, I’ve got seasonal greens like bean sprouts and spinach.favorites during celebrations. And no meal is complete without KimChi, with its wonderful variety enhancing every bite. If I get a chance, I’d love to share my KimChi-cooking tips with you sometime!
--- p.36

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