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Unit 1 Inventions and Inventors
1. The Zipper 2. The Postage Stamp 3. Pencils and Pens 4. Umbrellas 5. The Metric System Unit 2 Sports 1. Thai Boxing 2. Sumo Wrestling 3. Tarahumara Foot Races 4. Olympic Sports 5. Great Athletes Unit 3 Food 1. The Puffer Fish 2. Foods from Around the World 3. Chocolate 4. The Blue Revolution 5. Twenty-One Days Without Food Unit 4 Mysteries 1. The Marie Celeste 2. The Roanoke Settlement 3. The Easter Island Statues 4. The Tunguska Fireball 5. Mystery of the Monarchs Unit 5 Business 1. The History of Money 2. Mass Marketing : The Coca-Cola Story 3. Inflation 4. Doing Business Around the World 5. Plastic Money |