
사이즈 비교
World Beyond World

World Beyond World

: 세상 너머의 세상

[ Hardcover, English ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
우명 | Cham Books | 2013년 08월 27일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요 | 판매지수 30
12,750 (15% 할인)
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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World Beyond World
[외서] World Beyond World
Woo Myung Cham Books
15% 12,750
World Beyond World


발행일 2013년 08월 27일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 쪽수확인중 | 558g | 157*217mm
ISBN13 9781625930002

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 (1명)

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : Woo Myung
Having lived through his various life’s struggles, he meditated and self-reflected for many years to finally become the complete Truth. For his lifetime since, he developed the mind-subtraction method to enable anyone to achieve Truth and wrote many books on enlightenment and the logic of mind.
Mr. Woo was awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize by the UN-NGO International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) in September of 2002 for his efforts on discovery of true self, human inner self-reflection, reconciliation, and peace. He has also been appointed as a World Peace Ambassador by IAEWP for his outstanding contributions and services to humanity.
His writings include World Beyond World, The Way to Become a Person in Heaven While Living, Heaven’s Formula for Saving the World, and Nature’s Flow, a collection of poems. An English edition of his book, Stop Living in this Land, Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness, Live There Forever, ranked first in the world’s largest internet bookstore, Amazon.com as a weekly bestseller in all categories. This book also was awarded 5 international awards (2013 LNBA, IBA, NIEA, IPPY Awards, 2012 eLit Awards with a most top honor of gold medal in philosophy and spirituality categories). Also, an English edition of his book, Where You Become True Is the Place of Truth was awarded the 2014 Montaigne Medal of the Eric Hoffer Award, and 2014 NIEA award with a gold medal in philosophy category.

Mr. Woo Myung’s books are being translated and published using many languages of the world ? English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Hungarian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

Because I do not exist, my true self exists. Because this world does not exist, the true world exists. The world beyond is the world that exists when I do not exist
and when this world does not exist.
It is the world that one can gain when one’s mind has become the Mind for
which there is nothing higher, wider, or greater. This Mind is the world of God.
It is the one world. It is the world that is eternal and imperishable. It is the
world without pain or burden. It is the world of freedom and liberation. It is the world where all live as one.
---p.5 「from World Beyond World」
This world and the next are not separate but one to a person who has reached
human completion. He lives as it is without discernment, he lives life but not in
it, and he is free because his self no longer exists.
To live absent of one’s self is liberation. A person who has reached completion
is one who has neither sin nor karma because one's self does not exist, and such
a person lives eternally in the Land of completion.
He who has reached completion is a person who no longer exists and so he has no pain or suffering; furthermore, he lives in great repose because his self does
not exist - or in other words, because he has no mind towards anything. Yet at
the same time, he has everything and is thus able to live accumulating his
blessings in Heaven; such a person is one who is complete.
---p.34 「The age of human completion」
A truly ordinary mind is the Mind of God, which is the Universe, itself. It is the mind of the pure emptiness that exists as it is without discernment of what is or is not and of what is right or wrong; it is a mind, absent of life and death. This mind is one that does not change and remains as it is; it is the great Mind of the Universe, which is God. It is the mind of one who has returned to the Mind of God.
---p.69 「The ordinary mind is the Way」
The Mind is not of non-existence but existence. Because the Mind exists, both Heaven and earth exist. He who has existence ? the living true mind ? will live in Heaven, and because he is the true Mind, he will know no death. The Universe is the Mind, and this Universe exists consisting of the ‘Jung (Body)’ and ‘Shin (Mind).’ He who no longer has his self and has been reborn as the God of purity no longer has his own mind. This means that because he no longer has his mind, he has the Mind of the Universe ? the great Mind ? and this Mind is the Mind of God or Buddha. The Mind is absent of everything; it just exists as it is, disconnected from everything. Yet in this Mind, there is the Body and Mind ? the Jung and Shin ? of the Universe, which is why the Mind is the world of Buddha and the Kingdom of God. Only he who has let go of everything can become the Mind itself, and only he is able to be born into eternal Heaven.
---pp.210-211 「The Mind is not non-existent but existent, which is why the world exists」

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