
COLLINS COBUILD  English Dictionary for Advanced Learners

COLLINS COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners

[ Paperback, 비닐, 케이스 ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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구매 시 참고사항


발행일 2001년 01월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 1824쪽 | 1759g | 크기확인중
ISBN13 9780007102013
ISBN10 0007102011

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 (1명)

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

task /ta;sk, taesk/ (tasks, tasking, tasked)

중요도 별 5개 중 4개, N-COUNT
usu M of -ing, supp N ~~ 콜린스의 자랑 중 하납니다... 이게 뭔지 정확한건 책 사서 확인!

1. A task is an activity of piece of work which you have to do, usually as part of a larger project.
ex> Walker had the unenviable task of breaking the bad news to Hill... She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks.
--- p.1597

1.A student is a person who is studying at a university or college.ㅁWarren's eldest son is an art student, at St martin's. ...a 23-year-old medical student.
2.A student is a child who is studying at a secondary school.
3. Someone who is a student of a particular subject is interested in the subject and spends time learning about it. ㅁ...a passionate student of history and an expert on nineteenth century prime ministers.
--- p.1550
1.The sky is the space around the earth which you can
see when you stand outside and look upwards.
The sun is already high in the sky. ...warm sunshine
and clear blue skies...
The nigh sky was lit up by flashes of light.
2.--> pie in the sky : see pie
--- p.1460
proportional 코빌드 예문
Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.

롱맨 예문
His pay is proportional to the amount of work he does.

얼마나 쉬운가. 이건 빙산의 일각이다. 괜히 남들 눈치보며(혹은 따라) 이해도 안되는 책 붙들고
고생말고 생각 잘 해보시라. 물론,영국식 영어 습득자등은 제외하고.
--- p.1230
A new dictionary
The Collins COBULD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners is a revised and updated version of the second edition of the Collins COBULD English Dictionary, published in 1995. Like the second edition, it is based on a corpus, the Bank of English, which now contains around 400million words of English, most of which were spoken or written in the 1990s. The corpus plays a very important role in the creation and compilation of COBUILD dictionaries.
--- p.ix
Intake /inteik/ intakes
1. Your intake of a particular kind of food, drink, or air is the amount that you eat, drink, or breathe in. YOur intake of a alcohol should not exceed two units per day...Reduce your salt intake.
2. The people who are accepted into an organization or place at a particular time are referred to as a particular intake..one of this year's intake of students...There was a proposal in the United States to quadruple its annual intake of immigrants.
3.When there is an intake of breath, someone breathes in quickly and audibly, usually because they are shocked at something. I heard, even over the babble of the crowd, a sharp, shocked intake of breath.
--- p.877
headship --- A headship is the position of being the head of a school, college, or department.
-- I feel sure you'll be offered the headship.
--- p.723

1. A guy is a man --> I was working with a guy from Manchester
2. Americans sometimes address a group of people, whether they are male or female, as guys or you guys. --> Hi, guys. How are you doing?
3. A guy is the same as a guy rope
4. In Britain, a guy is a model of a man that is made from old clothes filled with straw or paper. Guys are burned on bonfires as part of the celebrations for Guy Fawkes Night.
--- p.699
1. If you describe something or someone as extraordinary, you mean that they have some extremely good or special quality.
--- p.588
A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language.
...a Welsh-English dictionary

A dicyionary is an alphabetically ordered reference book on one particular subject or limited group of subjects. ...the Dictionary of National Biography.
--- p.421
① A crusade is a long and determined attempt to achieve something for a cause that you feel strongly about. Footballers launched on unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces... He made it his crusade to teach children to love books.
--- p.365
1.The crew of a ship,an aircraft, or a spacecraft is the people who work on and operate it. The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over... Despite their size, these vessels carry small crews, usually of around twenty men... The surviving crew members were ferried ashore.
2.A crew is a group of people with special technical skills who work together on a task or project. ... a two-man film crew making a documentary... A paramedic ambulance crew went to the accident scene but were unable to save Mrs Wilson.
3.If you crew a boat, you work on it as part of the crew.She was already a keen and experienced sailor, having crewed in both Merlin and Arayling... There were to be five teams of three crewing the boat.. a fully crewed yacht.
4.You can use crew to refer to a group of people you disapprove of; an informal use. ..the metley crew of failed and aspiring actors who comprised the 'distinguished guests'...this crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the man bt cunning Nino Brown
--- p.387 오른쪽 3 ~ 20
Corrosion -- Corrosion is the damage that is caused when something is corroded. Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion.
--- p.367
단어 하나만 예로 들까요?
upset(upsets, upsetting, upset)
1. If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you. - After she died I felt very, very upset... Marta looked her an appointment... They are terribly upset by the breakup of their parents' marriage. * Upset is also a noun. - ...stress and ohter emotional upsets.
2. If something upsets you, it makes you feel worried or unhappy - The whole incident had upset me and my fiancee terribly... She worried me not to say anything to upset him... Don't upset yourself, Ida. * upsetting Childhood illness can be upsetting for children and parents alike... I will never see him again and taht is a terribly upsetting thought.
3. If events upset something such as a procedure or a state of affairs, they cause it to go wrong. - Political problems could upset agreements between Moscow and Kabul... House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property. * Upset is also a noun. - Markets are very sensitive to any upsets when the number four seed Anders Jarryd was beaten by the unseeded Eduardo Masso.
--- p.1726

1. Wisdom is the ability to use your experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions or judgements. ...the patience and wisdom that comes from old age. ...a great man, who spoke words of great wisdom

개정신판은 『wisdom』

the conventional wisdom about something is the generally accepted view of it ... the conventional wisdom that soccer is a minor sport in America. 라는 용어풀이가 첨가되어 있다.

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