
사이즈 비교


: The Life Story of a Korean-American in the 20th and 21st Century

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  • 본서는 “노벨과학상을 향한 꿈과 한민족”의 영문판입니다.
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발행일 2015년 10월 20일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 320쪽 | 152*225*30mm
ISBN13 9788958451280
ISBN10 8958451289

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I first met Professor Simon at a symposium titled “Ion and Enzymes Electrodes in Biology and Medicine,” which was held in Dortmund, Germany in July 1975. At the time, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago School of Medicine. Then I met him at a symposium titled “Calcium Transport and Cell Function,” which was held in New York City in September 1977. At the symposium, Professor Simon presented Na-selective and Ca-selective neutral carrier ligands, which could be used to make Na-selective microelectrodes and Ca-selective microelectrodes. This was very good news for me because I had been looking for those types of ligands. I talked to Professor Simon and asked him if it was possible if he could send the ligands to me. He kindly told me that if I wrote a letter and formally asked, he would send me the ligands. By that point, September 1977, I was Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Cornell University Medical College.
Prior to meeting Professor Simon, I had made ion-selective microelectrodes by using K or Na-selective at Indiana University and University of Chicago. It was very difficult to construct ion-selective microelectrodes with the glass. It was much easier to construct ion-selective microelectrodes with , which was a liquid. After Professor Simon sent me the Ca-selective and Na-selective neutral carrier ligand, we were able to make ion-selective microelectrodes to measure intracellular Ca activity or Naactivity. This greatly helped our study of the transport and regulation of Ca and Na in cardiac muscle cells.

During college, my dream of becoming a doctor changed. After having a change of heart after initially having mixed feelings about zoology and biology, my new dream was to become a scientist. Perhaps it was God's desire and secret for me to become a professor and scientist instead of a medical doctor. I decided to try my very best to achieve my dreams and goals of becoming a successful professor and world-renowned scientist.

After I retire from the academic and research community, I would like to help less privileged people out in some way by caring for them. In doing so, I would like to share what I have learned and earned in my life to hopefully contribute to making a better world.

We can make a better world, so people could live with less suffering. One approach toward a better world is to eliminate war. “The World Says No to War. Be United for Peace and Justice.”
--- 본문 중에서

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반품/교환 비용
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