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SIDE BY SIDE 3 : Student Book
SIDE BY SIDE 3 : Student Book
SIDE BY SIDE 3 : Student Book
SIDE BY SIDE 3 : Student Book
SIDE BY SIDE 3 : Student Book
소득공제 베스트셀러 강력추천
외서 SIDE BY SIDE 3 : Student Book
Paperback, 3rd Edition
ELT/사전 131위
31 12,420
0원 마니아추가적립
5만원 이상 구매 시 2천원 추가 적립
최대 머니 최대 2% 적립
  • 표지가 다소 짧게 제작 되었습니다. 해당 사유 반품 불가

이미 소장하고 있다면 판매해 보세요.

  •  국내배송만 가능
  •  문화비소득공제 신청가능



1. Review: Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Subject & Object Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Time Expressions
Describing Habitual and Ongoing Activities
Telling About Likes and Dislikes
Describing Frequency of Actions
Telling About Personal Background and Interests

2. Review: Simple Past Tense (Regular and Irregular Verbs)
Past Continuous Verbs
Reporting Past Activities
Difficult Experiences
Describing a Trip

3. Review: Future: Going to
Future: Will
Future Continuous Tense
Time Expressions
Possessive Pronouns
Describing Future Plans and Intentions
Telling About the Future
Expressing Time and Duration
Talking on the Telephone
Plans for the Future
Asking a Favor

4. Present Perfect Tense
Describing Actions That Have Occurred
Describing Actions That Haven't Occurred Yet
Making Recommendations
Things To Do Where You Live
Making Lists

5. Present Perfect vs. Present Tense
Present Perfect vs. Past Tense
Discussing Duration of Activity
Medical Symptoms and Problems
Career Advancement
Telling About Family Members

6. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Discussing Duration of Activity
Reporting Household Repair Problems
Describing Tasks Accomplished
Reassuring Someone
Describing Experiences
Job Interviews

7. Gerunds
Review: Present Perfect and Present Perfect
Continuous Tenses
Discussing Recreation Preferences
Discussing Things You Dislike Doing
Describing Talents and Skills
Telling About Important Decisions

8. Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Discussing Things People Had Done
Discussing Preparations for Event
Describing Consequences of Being Late
Discussing Feelings
Describing Accomplishments

9. Two-Word Verbs: Separable
Discussing When Things Are Going to Happen
Remembering and Forgetting
Discussing Obligations
Asking for and Giving Advice
School Assignments
Making Plans by Telephone
Talking About Important People in Your Life
Shopping for Clothing

10. Connectors:
And . . . Too
And . . . Either
So, But, Either
Asking for and Giving Reasons
Describing People's Backgrounds, Interests, and Personalities
Looking for a Job
Referring People to Someone Else
Discussing Opinions
Describing People's Similarities and Differences

Appendix Listening Scripts
Irregular Verbs
Thematic Glossary


2003년 02월 01일
쪽수, 무게, 크기
156쪽 | 342g | 209*276*20mm



9.6 리뷰 총점


9.3 한줄평 총점


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해외거래처에서 품절인 경우, 2차 거래선을 통해 유럽과 미국 출판사로 직접 수입이 진행될 수 있습니다.
수입 진행 시점으로 부터 2~3주가 추가로 소요되며, 해외에서도 유통이 원활하지 않은 도서는 품절 안내가 지연될 수 있습니다.
해당 경우, 문자와 메일로 별도 안내를 드리고 있사오니 마이페이지에서 휴대전화번호와 메일주소를 다시 한번 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
1 12,420