
The Rise of the Korean Socialist Movement

The Rise of the Korean Socialist Movement

: Nationalist Activities in Russia and China, 1905-1921

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발행일 2016년 03월 31일
판형 양장?
쪽수, 무게, 크기 496쪽 | 153*224*30mm
ISBN13 9788946058187
ISBN10 8946058188

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 반병률
한국외국어대학교 사학과 교수.
러시아·중국·미국에서의 한인 독립운동사가 전공 분야로, 많은 논문과 『여명기 민족운동의 순교자들』(2013), 『1920년대 전반 만주·러시아 항일무장투쟁』(2009), 『국외 3·1운동』(공저, 2009), 『성재 이동휘 일대기』(1998), 『우스베키스탄 한인의 정체성 연구』(공저, 2001) 등의 저서가 있다.

Byung Yool Ban Ph.D.
Byung Yool Ban is a Professor of History at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in the Republic of Korea. Dr. Ban is an expert in the history of the Korean independence movement and of Korean minorities in Russia, China and the United States on which he has published numerous articles and authored several books.

책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

This book is intended to be a study of the Korean revolutionary exiles in China and Russia, who strove to attain the independence of their country from Japanese colonial rule in the early twentieth century. This study covers the period from approximately 1905 (the establishment of a Japanese Protectorate) to 1921 (the foundation of the Korean Communist Party, Koryo? Kongsandang). The author believes that Korean nationalists dominated the Korean resistance movement against Japanese colonial rule until 1921; but after 1921, the newly emerged Korean Communists attempted to win the hegemony of the anti-Japanese movement from non-Communists. --- p.vii 「PREFACE」중에서

Ever since Alexandra Kim came to the Russian Far East in the summer of 1917 from the Urals, she had worked to redirect the Korean nationalist movement toward Bolshevism. She and members of the Workers’ Union in the Urals had tried to establish a Korean Bolshevik organization in the Far East. In order to fulfill this plan, she had sought the release of Yi Tong-hwi who had great influence among the anti-Japanese Korean revolutionaries in Russia and Manchuria. --- p.199 「THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION AND THE RISE OF THE KOREAN SOCIALIST MOVEMENT」중에서

We can see the underlying reasons that the Socialist Party had for joining the Provisional Government through a letter which Yi Tong-hwi sent on November 27, 1919, to key leaders of the Korean nationalist movement in North Chientao. North Chientao, as we saw in Chapter 2, was the long-time base for the nationalistic activities of Yi Tong-hwi and his followers. In the letter, Yi Tong-hwi explained the reasons for his decision to join the Provisional Government and requested the leaders to support him and the Provisional Government. --- p.277 「FAILED UNITED FRONT」중에서

Fourth, political or military interference from the outside, that is, the authorities of Japan, China and Russia inflicted the most critical wounds on the Korean liberation movement. Although Korean revolutionaries committed great effort to obtain favors from the Chinese and Russian authorities, their diplomatic relations were frequently interfered by Japan in opposition to the goals of the Korean liberation movement.
--- p.351「CONCLUSION」중에서

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