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경영관리자의 성공전략을 위한 전략포맷

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발행일 2008년 07월 16일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 360쪽 | 542g | 153*224*30mm
ISBN13 9788977361225
ISBN10 8977361222

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저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 박동준 ( 朴東濬)
삼성그룹 용인연수원, 한국상업은행 전산업무부 DBA, 한국생산성본부 교육기획실장, 책임전문위원, 포스데이타(주) 교육과장, 서강대학교 경영회계연수원 책임연구원을 거쳐, 1993년 소프트전략경영연구원을 설립하여 대기업, 중견기업, 벤처기업을 포함하여 공기업, 정부투자기관의 경영관리자들의 전략경영능력강화를 위한 교육, 컨설팅지도, 관련 도서의 저술 및 번역 출판활동에 매진해오고 있다. 미국법인 ESPRO Inc.의 대표이사, 일본전략경영협회(JSMS) 이사로 재임하고 있으며, 미국 현지에서는 최신의 전략경영의 실천기법을 개발하고 이의 보급에 주력하고 있다.
앤소프 코리아(Ansoff Korea) 대표, 앤소프전략경영스쿨(USIU/AIU MBA과정) 주임교수로 활동하고 Ansoff Institute Advisory Director, Strategic Change(John Wiley) editorial board를 역임하였다.
숭실대학교 철학과, 연세대학교 경영대학원 경제학 석사, 국민대 BIT 대학원 박사과정.

주요저서로는 『무계획은 실패를 계획하는 것이다』, 『소프트파워전략』(도서출판 성림, 1993), 『ソフトパワ-戰略』, (都市文化社, 日本 東京, 1993), 『기업병』(李民光 공저, 1994), 『성공경영을 위한 전략C』(1997), 『뉴 패러다임의 전략경영』(2003), 『뉴스와트 전략』(2005), 『Management, Zen and I』(피터 앤토니오 공저, 2007), 『전략적 위기경영-실천기법』(김승렬 공저, 2008), 『전략포맷과 성공전략모델(피터 앤토니오 공저)』(2008), 『뉴스와트 전략 2.0 실천기법』(2008) 등이 있으며,
주요역서로는 『최신전략경영』, 『전략경영실천원리』(H. I. Ansoff), 『협상의 전략』(Peter H. Antoniou, K. Whitman), 『최고경영자를 위한 전략경영매뉴얼』(나까무라겐이치 中村元一), 『리스트럭춰링을 통한 기업변신전략』(쯔무라 타케오, 都村長生), 『21세기의 초일류기업』(키타야 유키오 北矢行男), 『제휴의 전략경영』(나까무라겐이치 中村元一), 『실천내부감사매뉴얼』(카키시마 카즈미), 『실천전략경영진단매뉴얼』(나까무라겐이치 中村元一), 『이단자시대의 공격우위』(오마에 겐이치 大前硏一), 『알기 쉬운 업무개선매뉴얼』(일본능률협회) 등이 있다.
Peter H. Antoniou, MIBA, DBA
저자 : Peter H. Antoniou
MIBA, DBA, received his Master's in International Business Administration in England and his Doctorate in Strategic Management in the US. As a partner at Pomegranate International, founded in 1986, he has been involved in International Venturing, Educational programs and Consulting activities (www.pomegranateinternational.com). He teaches select courses in Strategic Management and International Business. In International Venturing, Pomegranate International matches United States and Chinese companies, negotiates joint venture agreements, establishes international distributorship contracts and arranges contract manufacturing. In the area of Education, Pomegranate International develops and implements training programs for executives in the United States and China. In Consulting, Pomegranate International develops and executes Strategic Transformations globally. Dr. Antoniou travels frequently to Europe and China to deliver seminars and consult in the areas of International Marketing and Strategic Management. He has worked with a wide range of companies including IBM-Brazil, IBM-Mexico, Johnson Wax, Infotec, the US Navy and the Pearl River Investment Company.
Dr. Antoniou was the founder and co-chair of the International Trade Committee of the Mid-Valley Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles. The Chamber serves an area with more than 10,000 manufacturers. He is a member of the National Committee on US-China Relations, Senior Advisor of the US-China Chamber of Commerce and member of the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Guangzhou Sister City Association. He was awarded the titles of: Honorary Advisor of the Gansu Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department; Special Advisor to the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; Special Consultant to the Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Exchange Center; Visiting Professor at the Guangdong University of Law and Business; Senior Advisor at the Wuxi New Development District; Senior Advisor to the Korea Productivity Center, Seoul, Korea; Economic Advisor to Taicang Municipal Government, Jiangsu Province; and Special Advisor to Qingdao Economic Development Zone.
Dr. Antoniou has authored and co-authored 19 books published in the United States, China, Bulgaria, Greece and Korea. He has written numerous articles featured at national and international conferences and publications. He was contributing editor at the China Business Review.
Books: Authored or co-authored

Management, Zen and I, BookSurge, 2007
The H. Igor Ansoff Anthology, BookSurge, 2006
The Secrets of Strategic Management: The Ansoffian Approach, BookSurge, 2005(Adopted as a required text at: Marshall Goldsmith School of Management at Alliant University graduate and undergraduate programs)
Intercultural Communication Skills, Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Guangzhou, China, 2004
Strategies for Developing Companies in Evolving Countries, People's University Press, Beijing, China, 2004
Strategic Management and the Relationship Between Government and Companies, People's University Press, Beijing, China, 2001
The U.S. Economy and the 21st Century's Trends, People's University Press, Beijing, China, 2001
Optimizing Profitability During the 21st Century, USICB at Alliant International University, San Diego, 2000
Negotiating with Americans, Paratiritis, Thessaloniki, 1995
Competitiveness Through Strategic Success, The Planning Forum, 1994
The Challenges and Rewards of Exporting to the United States, Bulgaria, CORPEX, Sofia, 1992

Successful Technology Transfer, International Journal of Technology Management Special issue - Strategy and Information Management in the Innovative Era, Spring 2006
General Managers' Capability in Asian Organizations - Empirical Findings of Four Studies, Journal of Global Business, Winter 2005, Vol.16, No 30, pp. 67~73
Strategic Management of Technology, Journal of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, June 2004, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 275~291

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