
사이즈 비교
Cham, The Truth

Cham, The Truth

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발행일 2010년 06월 22일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 360쪽 | 153*224*30mm
ISBN13 9788995896266
ISBN10 8995896264

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

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저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 김인자
Deong Myong (Ms. InjaKim) had lived as an ordinary person until 1994 when she came to know the invisible world through her mind and body change and her experiences of the energy world. Since 1998 she has been able to communicate with more and more beings of the universe as well as the earth.

She has since refined her capacity and purified herself for seven years under the protection and teachings of the Angelic Beings.
On the Lunar New Year’s Day of 2005 she was united with her higher self of x dimension, one divided from her Higher Self and came to let her name be known to the world.
She has since lived quite a different life onwards.
In September 2005 she ““broke the seal”” after seven days submerging period as the Heaven previously announced.
On 26 December, 2004 she came out to the world and initiated Da Saeng So Whal after concluding one episode of her life in winter 2005.

Coming out to the world, she has given public lectures and has met many people to talk about their soul and existence and to put the established teachings of religions and philosophy to rights in reality.
At the same time she has gone out of her way to let the world know about the Universal Project, the changing wave of the earth and the process and reason of our mind and body transformation.
Now she leads Da Saeng So Whal, having branches at Seoul, Daegu, Masan, Daejun and Gwangju under the banner of ““Da Saeng So Whal, Making for a New Civilization””.
On top of that she established the Hexomia Institute of Physical and Mental Health to initiate a ““voluntary service of visiting meditation””for the first time and has provided from few person to hundreds students with meditation for free throughout the nation.

Through many meeting and public lectures she has reminded us of the importance of purification whichwe have to do at this moment and has sent Hexomia energy of high dimension to not only meditation members of Da Saeng So Whal but people in the world who do not know the truth.
For this purpose she sends Hexomia energy being tailor-made according to the individual’s circumstances. Besides she modulates purification and change of people in the world and the whole process.

Being busy as a bee to give public lectures and to rearrange energy across the nation and to meet members of five Da Saeng So Whal branches she helps the world in a various ways: lend a hand to work off a grudge of the old world, assist numerous souls floating in and around the earth in returning to the right place and at the same time purify a variety of energy creatures and desire creatures and aid people in the world to meet clear and bright Hexomia energy to elevate their consciousness.
From time to time she also travels all over the nation to purify each and every existence in accordance with the earth environment and their harmonious adaptation to it.

To raise consciousness of people in the world directly she exerts herself in a various ways: ‘open lectures’ and public lectures of ‘meeting with the author’, ““Hexomia Meditation”” for the purpose of realizing the clean and bright Light World and ““the diffusion of energy through books, mineral waters, discs and the Internet””.

On the Lunar New Year’s Day of 2005 she declared that the spiritual realm was closed and the earth started to purify itself wholly. In 2006 she confirmed the beginning of ‘the Light World’, a new world quite different from the old world in terms of energy and reminded the world ‘the real resurrection and emancipation meaning getting out of the cycle of reincarnation caused by the Karma.’
In March 2006, soon after initiating Da Saeng So Whal, she deciphered a code of Chun Bu Kyong (天符經) having got along with the Koreans for a long time and let the world know its true meaning.

Published Works (in Korean):

A Heavenly Tale of the Light World. (Seoul: Da Saeng Publishing Co., 2006)
Cham, the Truth: all the facts and raison d'?tre. (Seoul: Da Saeng Publishing Co., 2008)
To those of you who are in ready after a long journey. (Seoul: Da Saeng Publishing Co., 2008)
Hook ? (Seoul: Da Saeng Publishing Co., 2009)

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